The Date - Darwin

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WARNING: Slight swearing, and mentioning of drugs, alcohol, and abuse. If you're not comfortable with this, skip to [[[[ Safe Point ]]]]in bold. This story isn't really for young ones, and this is a pretty...mature book, if you would call it that.

You woke up with a start.

Sitting up swiftly, you felt your head go light, your eyes swirling with colors. Stepping out of bed, you drag your feet towards the dresser grudgingly. Today was another day, and another day you hated. Sure, every student would hate school, and even sometimes their parents. You, had a different case of course. You had a reason to hate your parents, many reasons actually. You remembered when you were little, your mother was cheerful, tucking you in bed at night. Every day she'd tell you she loves you, that you were the apple of her eye. She favored you of your brother, but he didn't mind, as long as you loved him.

Your brother was always there for you, when your mother couldn't. He would spoil you, even more then he should. He'd loved you with all his heart, hell, he still does. Joining in on your rambunctious adventures, devious schemes, you deemed this family perfect, that nothing could tear you guys apart. 

How wrong of you to ever think that.

Your father. . .He showed his love differently. You never saw him as a father figure, but that didn't matter. It was his fault your family fell to pieces. With him coming home late drunk, whiskey in hand, you really never knew why he began to drink more than needed, but you guessed it became to be when he lost his job. It started in December, when nights grew longer, the days grew shorter, when the air was crisp, and snow covered everything like a blanket. Your father would come home, slurring everything he said, scaring the shit out of you. He would pick fights with your mother and brother, arguing sometimes till morning. You'd lay in bed, trying to ignore the screams, yelling, and cries, but you couldn't. You'd tear up, trembling under your covers, worried your father would come after you. 

Month after month, crying yourself to sleep, your brother trying everything to keep this family intact, your father becoming an alcoholic, your mother losing the happiness within her, it was getting harder and harder for the family. Your brother wouldn't join your adventures or schemes anymore. He'd instead go out all day, week after week, working to help keep this family from being dumped on the street, to rot forever. Your mother found it harder to get out of bed, as circles began to surround her eyes, like an enchantment. She didn't tuck you in anymore, it was rare of her to say she loved you, that you were her everything. Your father became abusive, to you, your brother, and your mother. For you and your sibling it was simple slaps on the cheeks, before soon it turned into punches.  Your it the worse. He would smash her head with his bottles, beat her until she grew unconscious, and bruise her everywhere. Every now and then, he'd bring home someone, someone new, bring them to the bedroom, and you'd hear weird squeaks and noises. But later the next day, they'd be gone, no trace of them, as if they ceased to be.

Maybe if it was your imagination, or perhaps your infatuation, but you grew...Grew to love this family. Nothing tore you guys apart, all of you were stuck like glue. If there was nothing to tear you guys apart, if nothing could get in the way, if no one left, this had to be the perfect family, right? Your brother still loved you, your mother did try too, and your father had some of him left inside his soul, right? Perhaps you had Stockholm Syndrome, maybe your brother too, but you never dreamed of calling Children Services, in fact you dreaded the idea.

This family, was the only family you had.

These people, were the only people you trusted.

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