Trying To Confess But Failing - Darwin

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lol beware of this chapter its a bit... *insert lenny face*   also THIS IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. *EDITING MODE >ON*

You dont know how you gotten into this situation, but Darwin did. It's not like he would tell you anyway. You were in his bedroom, with YouTube playing in the background. You were straddled on his lap, facing him, with the two of your cheeks crimson red. With your legs behind his back, Darwin stared into your eyes, and glimpsed at your lips now and then. He started to lean in, and you tighten you grip on Darwin's hair, your breath hitching. Strangely, you found him extremely cute with his hood down, and his green eyes full of uncertainty and caution. Before he could attach his lips to yours, you pulled your head away. "I... Darwin- what are we doing?" You asked, as logic started to pool back into your mind. His face showed hurt, but he covered it up with biting his lip, looking confused.

"I.. I dont know," He muttered, but he did know. He liked you, a lot. He wanted to kiss you forever and forever, but he was worried of one, simple, teeny, tiny thing; rejection. "It's because.. I li-"

"Hey Darwin, I was wondering if you and (Y/N) wanted to play-" Gumball started, but stopped when he saw the scene before him. "Is this a bad time...?" He asked as he slowly backed away from the room, closing the door slowly, making an agonizing creak. "We shouldn't be- We're not even- We- I- You-" You stumbled on your words, unsure on what to say, "We should go see what Gumball wanted." You got off his lap, and walked out of the room, leaving Darwin dumbfounded. 

-    -     -

Darwin came downstairs and slouched on the couch, joining you and Gumball. You were watching something stupid, and it made all of you laugh at its' stupidity. Gumball watched Darwin with amusement, as he looked a bit uncomfortable. No, scratch that; he was uncomfortable out of his mind. Slowly, Gumball whispered something that send chills down Darwin's spine, "Sorry for ruining the moment man. But hey, when you're together, you'll get a lot of," He motion kisses and other gestures, "So don't lose hope." 

Oh man, Darwin thought, What did I do?

- flash back I guess-

You and Darwin were watching YouTube, and you were more giggle-y than usual. You were giggling, and Darwin thought you were laughing at the video, but you were giggling at him. He looked so adorable watching the video. No, he looked so handsome watching the video. Sigh, It was like you were drunk.

-earlier earlier flash back-

You took a water bottle out of the fridge, taking a a big swig of it. It tasted... weird. Suddenly, the taste turned into a horrifying taste, and you swallowed it out of shock, coughing immensely. You felt it tinkle on your taste buds, and it burned as it raced down your throat. You looked at the water bottle, and saw the label, 'Liquor for Mother' Ugh, mom and her silly, stupid, disgusting drinking problems. She disgusted you, but you couldn't say that. Not ever. You decided if you couldnt confront her drinking problems, might as well try it. You drank the bottle swiftly and chucked in the trash. Slowly, you saw your vision slightly split into two, and you decided to go to Darwin's, even if you were slightly tipsy. 

Okay, you were a bit drunk. "Darwin, your so cute." You hiccuped and pulled him out of the chair, and he gulped. "Im.. Im c-cute?" You giggled at his stuttering and pulled him to the bed, while the video continued to play. You motion him to sit on the bed, which he obeyed. "(Y/N) what are you-" You pushed his arm which he used for support, and his back fell against the wall, and you used it to your advantage. Climbing on to his lap, you giggled at his face, as it was a crimson hue. "Your even cuter when your blushing." He chuckled nervously, and you brought his face closer to yours, and kissed him quickly. He licked his lips afterwards, and it tasted of... alcohol? Blushing, he whispered, "(Y/N) are you... Are you tipsy?" 

"Hell if I am!" You laughed, as if your comment was the funniest thing you've ever heard. Darwin sat up from his current position, and you exhaled, making Darwin grimace at the smell of alcohol. "Your lips are so... Kissable." You muttered as you traced your finger on his collar bone teasingly, making him doing a mixture of a sigh and a whimper. Darwin looked at the door every few seconds, worried someone would barge in. "What's wrong Darwin?" You asked, and he snapped his attention back to you. He looked nervous yet excited from your point of view.

"I-it's nothing." He lied, and you sighed out of disappointment. "You need a hug?" You asked, smirking a bit. Not waiting for his reply, you hugged his neck, with your head snuggled into the crook of it. He seemed to be calmed down by this action, and he relaxed, his body no longer stiff. 

"We shouldn't be doing this." Darwin muttered, showing a face of worry. Rolling your eyes, you decided to breath on his neck, making him stiffen. Your tongue found its way out of your mouth, and you guided it up Darwin's neck, not taking your eyes off his face. He made an 'urk' noise, and jumped. "W-what are you doing!?" Darwin gasped, trying to get out of your grasp. You stood your ground, not letting go of his neck. He still struggled against you, and you sighed in annoyance.

"Stop! Stop struggling. It might actually do you some good." You commanded. Darwin, looking defeated, stopped his struggling. Your tongue retreating, you began to kiss his neck softly, trying to make up for what you did. You started softly, then began to get more rough. 

"Why does it f-feel good?" Darwin asked, giving out a tiny breathy moan. You giggled slightly at his naivete, and started to nibble on his neck, making him gasp a little 'ah.' Pulling away, a little strand of saliva followed. If anything, that would make another person feel a little repulsed, but Darwin had no clue what was going on.

"I dont know honestly. It just does!" You smiled, and he raised an eyebrow, unsure if he wanted to continue this act. He liked your company, sure,  but this seemed to be out of the 'What-friends-do' zone. Needless to say, he let you continue, as he liked the feeling. His ragged breath turned back into steady breaths, as you stopped, figuring out your next approach. You gave out a sly smile, and used your finger to trace his neck down to his pants. Darwin's eyes widened, and he gave out a nervous laugh. "I-I dont mean to be a bother, but what are you d-doing?"  You didn't answer, and scooted back on his lap. There was a noticeable lump in his pants, and Darwin try to cover it with his hands. 

"So you are enjoying this!" You said, feeling triumphant. "It would be a shame.. If I..." You swatted his hands away, and traced the outline with your finger. Then two fingers, then three, then five. Darwin made a little whine, and slightly bucked his hips, liking the touch. "D-dont stop.." Darwin muttered sheepishly, his face flushed. Grinning, you traced the tip of the lump with your thumb, and Darwin laughed blissfully, with an eyebrow raised. "T-that felt nice." He commented, groaning a bit. 

Grinning a bit, you used your whole hand and stroked the bulge, even applying pressure on it. Darwin gave out a low moan, his grip on the sheets tightened. He closed his eyes tightly, clearly embarrassed of the noise he was making. You laughed a little, a smug smirk on your face. Sitting back on your earlier position, you gave him a sweet kiss. He reluctantly kissed back, smiling into the kiss.

In the heat of the moment, you felt the giggly alcohol side flood out of your body, and you pulled away, looking at your position. "What are we..." Looking at Darwin, you saw him closing his eyes, scared, yet impatient  for your touch. You shifted were you sat, grinding him on accident, causing Darwin to moan quietly. "I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" You asked quickly, as you placed your hand on his jawline, making him whimper. "I'm sorry Darwin." You said with sorrow, and Darwin snapped out of his needy state. He blinked a few times,  replaying what happened in his head. 

oh wowza. this almost turned into smut. *wiggles eyebrows* lol enjoy this semi smut thingie. who knew darwin would get this kinda of attention. HAHA  to be honest, this chapter has nothing to do with him confessing, but oh well! free semi-smut! maybe a part 2 to this chapter? OH HO HO HOH OH
Just double checking: all these characters are 15-16. :p

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