Someone Gets Jealous - Tobias and Leslie

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Today was Valentines Day, Tobias's favorite holiday. He loved chocolate, as much as he loved how love was in the air. You on the other hand, despised the holiday. Sure, chocolate is yummy, but everyone is so in love it wanted to make you vomit. In the end, you decided to celebrate the holiday with Tobias knowing his love for it. So here you were, at a carnival with Tobias. Rachel tagged along as well, yet you had no idea why. You were wearing a [Favorite Valentine Color] dress, and white flats, while Tobias wore his regular clothing. Rachel wore a pink top and white skirt, and was following where ever you and Tobias went. She was starting to weird you out. You tried to tell Tobias, but he waved it off, telling you to not worry about it.

Currently you and Tobias were on the ferris wheel, Rachel a cart behind. Looking behind you, you saw her looking at your cart with a dead look, which gave you the chills. "Hey Beautiful, what's wrong?" He asked, placing his arm around your shoulder. Leaning into him, you told him it was nothing, although it was about something, but rather someone. "If you say so." The rest of the ride was quiet, along with small talk. Tobias noticed you were awfully quiet and not your usual silly self, and it made him worry. When the ride ended, the trio of you wondered aimlessly, going on every ride possible. When Tobias went to the bathroom, Rachel finally spoke. With a dreadful look in her eye, she held your wrists tightly, up to the point it was going to leave a bruise. "[Your Name], you better fucking back off Tobias, do you understand me?" 

"W-what? He's my-" Gripping your wrists tighter your yelped, making her eyes grow dimmer. Your quiet yelps and cries encouraged her motives, scaring you. 

"I dont give a fuck if he's your spouse or your boyfriend. Just listen to me. He is my brother, and soon he will realize I belong with him."  She growled, and you were confused. Make Tobias hers? But- They're brother and sister. That isn't right. That isnt-

"That's incest! You cant- Ah!" You cried out, Rachel now making your wrist go the opposite way, making you tear up. With you pinned up against the wall, your wrists gripped tightly and bending the opposite direction, you realized how weak you are in this situation. 

"Shut. Up." She threatened. Hearing the mens' bathroom door open, she released her grip, now smiling. "Nice chat."

And for the rest of the night, you kept were glued to Tobias' hip, careful to not lose him. Rachel was crazy, you thought. 


It was rare that someone was jealous of Leslie, because come on, what is there to be jealous of? Sure, you adored him with all your heart, but you knew there was nothing to be jealous of. In your house, Leslie and you were making a fort, ready to watch a movie on Leslie's laptop. But... Your dog Rex ran into the fort, rolling around, making the fort collapse. Leslie screamed, and you laughed. Rex was nuts. 

And every time Leslie was in your house, Rex was sure to ruin whatever the two of you were doing, making sure you were giving him attention, not Leslie. 

.     .     .

You were lying on the bed, Leslie sitting on top of you. He was tickling you nonstop, and leaned down to give you a kiss. But before he could, Rex jumped on the bed, sitting on your face. "Mmmph!" You muffled, Leslie laughing his ass off. 

.     .     .

You were piggy back riding on Leslie's back through the living room, high off of sugar. The two of you were a giggling mess, Rex no where to be found. Hearing some barking, your giggling stopped. You knew Rex's jealousy, and you grew scared. "Leslie let go of my legs."

"No! This is too fun!" He giggled. Hearing Rex's barks grow louder, you were screaming.

"leT ME GO!"

'Noooo!!" Rex jumped on Leslie's legs, making him lose balance. Falling on his back, he fell on you, making you groan in pain, while giggling. Rex came over and began to lick your face, making you groan again.

"Rex, you darn dog!"

.       .       .

Alas, dogs were gonna dog. So what were you going to do? Nothing, that's what.

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