Hanging Out - Gumball

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hello so this is how we meet isnt it? ANYWHO throughout this story, i may scold the reader about reading too much fan fiction, but in a teasing way. dont take it too seriously okay? wuvs u 

You walked towards your locker, preparing for lunch. It was becoming a habit of yours; skipping the last five minutes of class, putting your crap away, and just roaming the halls, making puns and jokes along the way. Half the time students would catch you talking to yourself, making bad jokes and such, but they didn't mind; as they were just as weird as you were. But today was... Different. You were doing the usual, getting a drink for about thirty seconds, doing a weird dare which involved water. But as you walked towards the fountain, you noticed a blue cat boy with a sweater, and jeans, getting a drink. As soon as you saw him, realization hit you. He was the boy who you challenged Ice Hockey! You turned on your heel, and speed walked away, not wanting to talk to the student, as he gave you blushing-itis and stammering fever too. Long story short, it was too late; he saw you. "Hey! Its you, the girl who challenged me a game to Ice Hockey," Slowly, you turned around, with a small, nervous grin on your face, but your eyes showed amusement. "Yeah, its you. But dude, you go here!? That's amazing! But!! You never did give me your name did you? So, my fair maiden, will thou give me thy name?" He bowed, and snickered at his behavior, which made you chuckle as well. 

"*sigh*, I guess I do huh? Well, my name is (Y/N). What's yours?" You walked a little closer to the cat, making him a blush a small tint of pink. It was kinda fun how he blushed whenever you were in his presence, it was like a fan fiction coming to real life; but you knew better. "M-my name? Oh, its Gumball!" He chirped, and the two of you walked to lunch early, not wanting to wait in line for eternity. As you both got your lunches, you sat down outside at the courtyard, and babbled about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's presence. Whenever he laughed, you found your face becoming hot, which indicated you were blushing. You hated it, but enjoyed it at the same time, but it made you wonder; did you like this Gumball? "(Y/N)? Did you hear me?" You shook your head, and chuckled nervously, and asked him to repeat his question.

"Isn't it weird that a cat and fox are friends? Such as us? I mean, its like a cat and a fox. It isn't really meant to happen. But here we are! Talking like it's no body's business!" He chuckled, and you smiled sweetly. He made you happy.

-friggin' time skip as i am losing a way to progress this chapter. oh nuuuuu-

"Gumball, are you sure I can hang around at your house?" You asked with uncertainty, as the two of you were on his front porch, in front of the door. "Yeah I'm sure! C'mon! It'll be fun. After all, your a gamer aren't cha?" You nodded sheepishly, and he dragged you through the door, ignoring all the questions his family asked. He placed you on the couch while he fiddled with the console, trying to pick a game. 

A little bunny girl walked up to you, eyebrows raised, and asked, "Are you Gumball's girlfriend?" The mother of the family gushed and squealed, and waited for you to answer the question, but was let down as you said no. It was strange, this whole family was like a mystery to you. Sure, they weren't too attractive, but they were a bit... dysfunctional. But you didn't mind, at least they didnt remind you of your family; who you hated to bits and pieces. They were nothing but lazy jerks, not caring about your well being, but did seem to care about alcohol and other things. Every time those lousy parents pop into your mind, you snarl as your ears pull pack, and your put in an angry frenzy. It would pass soon enough, but it made you think; how did a sarcastic, kawaii fox come from a terrible, dysfunctional family? Who knows. Anyway, the two of you played video games, giving Darwin, Gumball's brother a chance to play for a few turns.

After hours of playing video, it was night fall, and you had to leave. Gumball suggested to walk you home, but you disagreed. But, Gumball being the stubborn cat he was, disregarded your protests, and walked you home, holding your waist close to him along the way, afraid of someone would kidnap you. It meant nothing to him but a friendly gesture, but to you; it meant the world. For some reason, some GODDAMN REASON, you grew a liking to this blue neko, but you didn't mind. After all, he was funny, and slightly cute. "This is my stop Gumball." You said to him as he walked you up to your porch. He hugged you goodbye, and waved at you until he was out of sight, leaving you, a blushing mess.

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