Chapter 12

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*insert VERY BIG GULP!*

" you to are like boyfriend and girlfriend know?" Harry asks carefully. 

"yeah I guess" I say not really sure howe to reply to that. An awkward silence enters the kitchen.

" were just going to go know" I say and slowly start to walk backwards while dragging Niall behind me. I was so close to success till..."WAIT!" I turn around to see all eyes on Zayn.

"Yeah, zayn?" I ask. "Your a vampire right?" He ask while looking straight into my eyes." Yes I am, thanks for askng Zayn. Know if you dont mind I woul dlike to leave, with NIall" I say and quietly strom out of the kitchen. 

I don't were all the anger came from but I felt guilty. " Hey know need to fell guilty" Niall pipes up. how did he know. Before I got to ask my question NIall pipes up again." IWe can read minds". right i knew that.

" can i read minds" I ask. We suddenly outside again were I got turned into a vampire. " Sure you just need a bit of practise. Here I will teach you" NIall offers. " yay thanks niall so what do i do?" I ask eagaer to get started. 

"ok first you have to look straight into their eyes. YOu don't always have to do this but just for beginners. Ok and then think of that person in your mind and reply his or hers name alot in your mind.

So if you were trying to read my name you  would say niall niall niall over and over again. And soon in your mind there will be a white back ground in your mind and words pop up.  

And tada you have read someones mind" Niall ends with jazz hands.

wow. " OK so can I have a go at reading your mind" I ask with alot of hope in my voice.

Niall POV

" Ok say can I have a go at reading your mind" she asks with a lot of hope in her voice. meh why not? 

"ok just let me thhink of something" I say. And begin to think of something. " Ok know try read my mind." I say 

She looks straight into my eyes. wow she has beautiful eyes. On the outside of her iris there is a rim of blue then theres a rim of brown on the inside of the iris then the rest is green. ( MY ACTUAL EYE COLOUR)

"Ok  i know what our thinking about" she concludes inturupting my thoughts. " OK, what was I thinking about" I ask. " You were thinking about my eye colour" she replys with a blush rising on her cheeks.

Damm she cute when she blushes.

"Niall can I ask you something?" She ask looking at my with a weak smile. " Sure anything" I say. know lying beside her on the grass.

" Well I was woundering if Zayn likes me. I mean you said he likes me but I dont want anything to happen between you and zayn and the rest of the boys" She say while looking up at the know forming stars.

"well I can tell you know-"  i was cut of id sentence when SOMEONE cough*zayn*cough had to come out and yell DINNERS READY! 

urg I knew this wasn't a good idea

sorry for the long wait!!  anyeay plzzz vote

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