[28] : His-story

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"You know what my wildest dreams are?" She asked and the very next moment there were two pairs of eyes shooting up at her.

"What?" Navya widened her eyes and shrugged as if it was a very casual question. Maybe the Taylor Swift song had gotten to her badly or probably she was high on her second vodka shot.

Navya had forced me into getting out of the house and partying on her birthday night and I had agreed totally. But right now I was sitting forcefully in a club with loud music on and Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams playing.

Why was I not there willingly and forcefully? Because today was not her birthday and I had promised her to go out on her birthday but she is just incorrigible! She makes sure she gets what she wants and she did. She managed to persuade me into coming with her and Abhimanyu to her pre-birthday party celebrations.

Well it wasn't much of a bad idea either because I really was having fun with the both of them and our college days memories- the good ones, of course.

Abhimanyu and I both looked at Navya and internally tried to figure out what specie did she belong to because she is totally weird to ask that question in front of her ex-boyfriend.

"What the fuck?" I mouthed her and she rolled her eyes at me.

Gulping down her vodka she sat up straight from the big couch that she was slouching upon, "Its not anything dirt, trust me." She told us both.

"I don't want to know that." Abhimanyu commented.

"Its not dirty! I swear!" She held the flesh over her throat but got no positive response form either of us.

"I still don't want to know your Wildest fantasy." Abhimanyu assured her.

"Dream". she corrected.

"Same thing"

"No. There's a thin line between dream and fantasy and I've maintained that."

"Not interested." Abhimanyu sighed.

"Me neither." I sipped onto my Virgin Mojito. I would never in life risk having alcohol ever again.

The one time I had that I- let's not go back there.

"Seriously now? Its not anything disgusting or dirty. You guys think so low of me?"

"Anything you say has to have a double meaning to it." Abhimanyu said as Navya's lips curved into a grin.

"Well what's the fun in being with old friends without saying things with intended pun?" Her eyebrows danced in question and that made the remaining two of us laugh.

"Point. Are you really going to drink that for the rest of the night?" Abhimanyu pointed over to my glass.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"That's boring."

"That's Nandini!" Navya intervened and Abhimanyu looked at her for a clearer explanation.

"She-" she began but I immediately stood up.

"I-it doesn't s-suit me" I widened my eyes at Navya to keep her mouth shut. Abhimanyu eyed me differently and that was because I had suddenly stood up from my place.

"Okay.. You can sit down." He cringed his brows analyzing my sudden reaction.

"Yeah.. And also-"

"And also I gotta use the restroom.. N-Navya why don't you come with me?" I interrupted her again and got up from my place again. I reached up to Navya sitting in front and pulled her up.

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