[23] : Unwanted

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I would really suggest before starting with this chapter you guys read the book again because I've made some changes and if you've read it again just yesterday.. It'll do. But otherwise, do read it once. Especially the starting few chapters.

Happy Reading :)


What does it feel like when the one person you never wish to see shows up in front of you?

That feeling which you get when you finally come face to face to someone you've been trying to run from. That feeling when you can't run away anymore. It sucks. Because runing is sometimes better than having to face the shit.

I stood there watching the one person's face which was the second last face I'd want to see before I died out of herpes (I don't have herpes).

I swore not to see his face and here he stands in front of me.

I promised I would not remember him but how could I forget a part of me?

Rohan Murthy, who was unfortunately my brother.

He was definitely not the one I was talking about earlier. That time I was speaking of our younger brother, Rishab.

This person here in front of me is also my brother but I don't take him to be that.

He lost me.

He lost me when he chose to betray.

He is a part of me that I hate.

"What are you doing here?" I charged at him.

"Aw Nandu! I missed youu!" He walked up to me and engulfed me in his arms.

I struggled to push him away, "Don't worry little sister, I won't cause trouble this time"

"Trouble.. is.. your.. middle name!" I push him away.

"Not again butterfly, I won't."


That word drifted me back to the past.

"Why do they fly like that?" I ask my brother.

"That's because they're meant to sweety" he pulls my cheek and lifts me in his arms.

"I want to fly like that!" *Flutter flutter* I imitate flying with my hands.

"But you can't fly sweety, you'll fall and you're not a butterfly" he laughs lightly.

I pout angrily, "But I want to!"

He just laughs and puts me down.

"Appa! Roro says I can't fly" I crib as I run to my father.

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