[21] : I Love the Real Him

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"Would it harm you to tell me where we are going?" I asked him for the nth time.

"Someplace I'm sure you'll love sweetheart" he repeated.

We had left the place where the event was still on a while back and Manik had been testing my patience by not telling me where he was taking me to.

Not that I had a problem with sneaking out with him out of a cliché event that I had never even thought of attending even if I would have been a part of the SPECTATOR, but, I needed to know where I was going.

It was long before Manik stopped the car and turned the engine off, "Close your eyes" he said suddenly.

"What!?" Instead I widened my eyes in response.

"What you just did is exactly the opposite to what I said.. Now, Close your eyes, Nandini" he sat facing me.

"But why?" I questioned not understanding his purpose for such a demand.

"Because then you'll spoil my surprise!" He complained.

"Surprise...?" I moved my head to the other side to face the window so that I could get a clue of where we were but before I could, I felt my head being manhandled and being twisted back to the front.

"Don't look!" He shouted, "Close your eyes sweetheart"

I began to speak something but he motioned me to shut up.

"If you'll just close your eyes for once, we'll get out faster and your curiosity would come to rest sooner." Saying that he stared at me to just start doing as he says.

I did what I was told to and closed my eyes.

"Good. Now wait till I open your door..." I heard him unbuckle his seatbeat and then open the door, "Do. Not. Cheat." He warned.

"I never do!" I pouted.

The next thing I heard was his door closing and within a few seconds, I heard the door at my side open.

He took my hand in his and placed another over my eyes as he walked me away from the car.

"Manik till what time do I have to be like this?" I asked getting restless.

"A few more steps." He said.

We walked a few steps ahead and I could feel my five inch gladiators.. okay.. Navya's five inch gladiators make their way into the ground.

Where was I?

With every step my heels pierced into the ground and why did they not make sound? And why was the ground so.. so.. not hard?

Walking a few more steps ahead finally the sound of the clashing tides hit my ears and the cool wind blowing against my body made their way into my nostrils giving me the address of the place that I was at.

"Manik... Its a beach." I said making it sound very obvious.

He immediately left my hand and dropped his hand from over my eyes. I opened my eyes to meet the picture that was in my brain.. Damn was I right!? It was a beach.

"How did you know?" He asked looking surprised.

"I've been to a lot of beaches Manik, my hometown is Mangalore, I spent most of my summers there and I had a beach right in front of my house there" I told him.

"Oh" his eyes dropped to the ground in disappointment.

"But why did you bring me here?" I looked around the place. No one was there, it was almost eleven at night and this beach was far away from the city, I figured by the long drive that took us to reach here.

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