[26] : For Us

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"I'm sorry, yeah.. Sorry, yeah.. Sorry
Yeah I know that I let you down, Is it too late to say I'm sor.."

I stopped the engine of the car as I reached my destination and along with that, Justin Bieber stopped apologising too.

I literally had to bribe Navya into lending me her car for this. I promised her to do to the dishes and make her food and also take Blue to walks all by myself for one week. Who said best friends are the 'best' thing, eh? But she says she has reasons because the last time when I borrowed her car.. She had to pay $200 for her committed mistake. Yep. Lending me a car to drive, alone, with no one with me, is a terrible terrible mistake. But that time when I banged her car into a wall was only because I had to save the poor cat that was not ready to move away! If I saved her car, I could have been a certified murderer this day.

I took out the keys, rolled up the windows, took a long deep breath and turned my head towards my left.

There it was. The place where we had gotten close and intimate for the first time. The place which held the blame of arising those little fluttery butterflies in my stomach after that night. Here I was again, for answers. I have the right to know why I was shut out for so many days.

I gathered all my courage and heart and stepped out of the car. I walked towards the door, with my heart pounding against my chest, heavily. Reaching the door I extended my hand and rang the bell.

Lub-dub.. lub-dub.. lub-dub..

I waited for a minute but no one answered. So I rang the bell again but no one answered again. Then I knocked the door loud. As I pushed the door, it opened. I entered in.

Okay, he's been living in a house with doors open? Well could be because there's no trace of walking life for miles in this part of the city.

I took slow steps, quietly, examining the entire place. I thought of calling out to him but considering the fact that he has been not wanting to see me, I decided to surprise him.

I quietly went around the place, looking for a man's existence but all I found was a cold, plain, empty house. I quietly started climbing up the stairs but my feet froze and my heart maybe stopped for a few nanoseconds when the voice hit my ears.

"Looking for something, sweetheart?" His voice reached my ears, soothing my heart and scaring it all together. My heart beats were louder than the beating drums, I bet he could hear it too.

I turned on my heels and saw his beautiful face right in front of my eyes. There he stood with his usual smile pasted on his gorgeous lips.

"You" I breathed those three letters out with relief. He was right in front of my eyes, exactly the same. Besides his hair was disheveled and his eyes a bit swollen as if he had been sleep deprived for days. His smile didn't falter but his chocolate brown eyes weren't mimicking the emotions that his smile was.

He stood frozen to his place, smiling at me and my feet seemed to have developed their own brains, they just didn't seem to listen to the one above in my head and I ran up to him. He in a heartbeat took me in his arms and lifted me, twirling me around once. I found my peace.

I can't believe how madly I have fallen in love with this guy. They say it doesn't matter how, when or where it happens but if what you feel for a person is true, that's enough. That's how it is with Manik. It felt so right in the heart that I didn't think twice before giving my heart to him, even though it was bit too soon. It feels perfect to be with him. I feel complete like never before. Its like he was the missing piece of me that had kept me wandering for years.

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