[11] : Broken hearts, Smacked faces & Settled Scores

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"Whatever we were.. Its over" I finally managed to get those words out.

"Wait, what?" He looked confused, obviously. He wasn't expecting that out of me maybe. He helped himself put on his clothes and faced me once again.

"I came to grab my stuff." I said cold and plain and distanced myself from him to start packing my stuff.

"Who says you can go, sweetheart?"

"And who can stop me?" I looked at him, frustrated.

"I can." He stepped towards me.

"Forget it. You can't do anything to me now. I'm past that phase..." I lied.

He still had the ability to make me go weak in the knees. I lied to give myself some confidence at that moment. I had to stay in control.

He didn't stop.

"I can and you know it. You know I affect you. I always have, from day one." He smirked as he grabbed my waist and pulled me close. I again hit his broad wide chest with mine.

"Manik, Let go!" I struggled to free myself from his grip.

"Say you'll not go" he said as he watched me struggle.

"I will! And I am! I don't want.."

And I was shut up. Again. His lips pressed over mine so hard that it was impossible for me to even try to get away.

My eyes widened in response and I tried pulling away. I succeeded. It was only because he let me or else I wouldn't have otherwise managed to remove his lips from mine.

I pushed him away with all the force and placed a soft and sweet punch on his goddamn arrogant handsome as hell face!

How dare he!?

I was angry, boiling inside, and hurt! And this is what he does! Kisses me? That too without my consent! I couldn't have taken such disgrace to me. I said him I want out thousands of times and he didn't let me! One day he makes me fall for him and the other he makes me hate him! What is he? Bipolar much?

"Ouch.. You are quite a strong woman" he dabbed the cut that my fist had given him over his lips.

Well you could say I too managed to bruise his lips, once at least. Contended.

"How dare you!" I shouted.

"How dare I? You're the one who hit me... Ow!" He pressed a little too hard there, "this hurts."

"And well it hurts me too!" Gosh, no stop.

"Hurts you? I was gentle while kissing you" he said defending him.

Gentle? Well yeah, so gentle Mr. Monster. But I wasn't hurt by that just right now and he needed to know.

"Manik! I said I am done! Why don't you understand and let me go?!" I pushed the tears back that had began to collect in he rim of my eyes.

"Because I don't want to" he said coldly.

That hurt me even more. Didn't he have heart?

"But I want to end this"

"But I don't" he stepped closer, again. Get ready for another punch if you are planning to kiss me again.

"Why?" Tears traced their path down my cheeks now. I didn't sound as firm as I was a minute back. My voice turned weak.

"Manik please! I cannot do this!" I cried.

"Do what?" He took my cheek in his left palm and wiped off the tear that remained there.

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