Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


"We're what?" had been Jason's question, breathed through a half eaten piece of toast as Amelia drove him to school. There's no way he could have just heard what he thought he heard; it was impossible and totally idiotic.

"You heard me," the mysterious girl answered without looking at him, her eyes glued to the road as they turned down the street their school was located.

"No... I think something  crazy was stuck in my ear. Mind saying that once more?" he asked, pretending to pick at his ear canal with his pinky finger.

"As of now we are dating," she repeated and there was no mistaking it this time.

"Dating? W... why? Didn't you hate me?"

"Hate is a pretty strong word... let's just say I dislike you, but not as much as I did before. You did save my life after all. Twice," she admitted and Jason thought he heard a little admiration in her words, but he could have been hearing things. It wouldn't surprise him.

"Still, that doesn't exactly explain why we have to be dating now."

Amelia pulled into the parking lot before answering, taking her usual spot that was closest to the road and usually always open. It allowed her to make a quick getaway if needed as other students tried to get as close to the school as possible, leaving a wide berth of five or six spaces around her at all times. She turned off the engine and turned to face him, pulling her seatbelt off as she looked at his confused face with annoyed eyes.

"Didn't you mention that us getting caught coming out of that hotel together was leading to all sorts of problems? This fixes it. Besides, if people believe we're dating than it won't be suspicious for us to always be around one another, something that is unavoidable. Sadly. Anyways, this is how it's going to be, so get over it."

"Just great," he sighed in frustration, "I had hoped my first relationship wouldn't be fake, like this..."

"You and me both," Amelia admitted, but never went any further into it even when he looked at her curiously, hoping for an explanation. He had figured she would have had a few relationships before this. "Now listen up, we're going to set up some rules and regulations. First one is that you don't make them mistake and think that this is real. Because it's not. Understand?"

"You don't have to worry about that. But I am curious, what do we do about affectionate displays? I know this is fake and all, but won't we have to convince people?"

"I was just about to get to that. There will be no real public displays of affection, and I mean it. I'm talking about kissing, making out, or anything along those lines. If anyone asks we are taking it slow, it should also help to weed out some of those rumors about us spending the night in the same room. I expect you to act and behave in a manner that won't embarrass of anger me. If you can do that then we will have no problems. Fair enough?"

"Whatever. Do we really have to do this? It's so stupid!"

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