Update I suppose

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Hey guys.

Im sorry to be Debby Downer in this update but bear with me

A lot has occured in the past two-three weeks and it has left me in quite a frenzy.

Im feeling hurt, upset, guilty, betrayed, and just overall incredibly unhappy.

No, im not depressed. Depression is a mental illness, not a term to be throwing around.

Anyways, ive been taking a lot of time for myself but that time is making me feel so insecure and i feel vulnerable and ugh.

So, as for FFY it is on hold for now although i probably have no readers anymore anyways.

I just need to get my head on straight before doing anything else.

If anyone is going through anything, im here to listen.

I love each and every one of my friends that is on here and in the outside world so very much and i truly thank you for always being by my side.

Im not going to go into extreme detail about what has happened on here.

You win some, you lose some.

And my team went through a major loss.

* no one is dead, just so we are clear.

If you want to talk to me, you can pm me on here or go to my tumblrs.

My new one is:


My old is now black and white:


I love you and hope to write soon!

Madi xoxo

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