Studying and Old TV Shows

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Sorry it's been a while! School has been crazy so I figured that was what I would talk about.

1) I understand that report cards are coming out, but is there REALLY a need to put all of our tests in a span of two weeks? I mean, you have had almost 5 months to give us tests.

2) Studying.

Ugh, that word makes me want to throw up.

So, I get home from school and I am in the mind set of getting ready for my geo test.

And then I see food and remember that I have a new episode of *insert name here* taped on the PVR.

That becomes my first priority.

All too soon, it's dinner. I eat, take a shower, then remember I have to study.


I panic and speed study.

I just don't do good with studying. Nothing good could come of it.

I did get perfect though, so I can't say to just not study.



I am so happy I grew up when I did.

I swear, I had some of the best TV Shows to grow up with.

That's So Raven used to be my favourite.

*Insert Vision Face HERE!*

If you remember that, I love you.

There was Lizzie Maguire, Even Stevens, and whole bunch of other ones.

I remember coming home from school and watching the Proud Family with my nana.

That was one half ghetto, half awesomeness show.

This whole talk reminds me of all of the things I used to do as a kid.

-Jumping from couch to couch trying not to land in lava

-playing tag in my parents room where you had to climb over the bed to get away from the person who was it

- playing on my GameBoy

- Reading Kim Possible (another killer show) chapter books

I remember that my first chapter book I ever read was a Kim Possible chapter book. I don't even remember which one but it was 80 pages and I was so proud to finish it.

I just watched the final movie thingie a couple of weeks ago and I truly miss that show.

Alright, back to the present! Comment with what you used to do as a little kid!

Song of the day:

Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran

Until next time,

Madi xoxo

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