Friendship is the best medicine

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There are two brilliant people on wattpad that have done thisso I figured it was my turn! I am going to do all of the people I know on wattpad and there will be NO sugar coating.

Alyssa (Lyssa2559):

You are honestly one of the strongest girls I know. I can trust you with my life and you are absolutely amazing. Best friends forever. We tell each other everything and anything. You are my rock and are always there to tell me to get back up. Thank you.

Mary and Rawish (ComingDownWithLove):

I really don't understand what the hell to do here. There will be the peaceful moment where everything is perfectly fine and then the next day we are all attacking each other, whether it is your journal that is straight out or hearing something that I have said. We are all big girls and we understand what is going on but it seems to me that no one is willing to end this so maybe friendship isn't what the doctor ordered. I honestly don't think an apologie is going to fix what has been broken and I am not going to give one because the sorry doesn't cut it. I am sorry, however, if any of this offends you in any way. It is not intended I am simply just stating what is true.

Miki (mikisoccer13):

You are the bom dot com, kay? LOL I feel like that says everything in 6 words.

Mary (marybaxter919):

We haven't known each other that long and I honestly thought you hated me when you first came to our school. Boy, was I ever wrong! You are one of the sweetest people I know and dish the best compliments. You always know how to make me smile :D

Cathryn (MonacoWolf):

We aren't trully best friends, which I guess can be considered alright. We are friends though and you aare completely insane and everything you say has logic to it. I miss our boy talk calls from last year, those were hilarious!

Madeline (Madeline26):

Your innocence is hilarious. You are like a little cupcake and a good friend even though we have only known each other for two years :)

Sabrina (PieLover101):

You and I are cool and chillz. LOL that sounded lame. But you are someone I talk to a lot and we are rant buddies!

Bronte (Brontesaurus123):

You dear, are amazing and hilarious. You will always be a good friend and you never hurt anyone.

If I missed you, let me know in the comments below!

Madi xx

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