I Want To Scream

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I understand that just because I like someone doesn't mean I own them.

Just saying that before I start ranting like a crazy person.

People drive me crazy, specifically ones that say they are "in love" with a guy at the age of 13.

I'm sorry, but you are barely a teenager. You don't know love until it smacks you in the face with an oven door.


But seriously. You don't love him.

I know two of my friends have dated someone before, and I think that's a little crazy.

Sure, I would love it if the guy I liked asked me out. But I would still be too young to date, even if I am almost 14.

On to bigger issues, the guy I like hasn't given me a hug since almost 2011.


Okay, maybe he doesn't want to hug me.

But then he hugs some other girl RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

That was one of the moments where you scream into your pillow.


I had an amazing day yesterday. That is probably one of the only times I will say this.

I sat and talked to him for an hour.

I was in such a bad mood and he made me laugh and made my insides feel all butterfly-ish.

I know, crazy.

But, today it was back to normal, and I had a poop day.

It's like one day, I am allowed to be happy and the next there is a people wall between him and I.

And this is why I want to scream.

Song of the day (number 2):

Scream and Shout: Will.I.Am. and Brittney (bitch, see what I did there?) Spears

I thought it was fitting.

Madi's JournalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon