Why I hate Sundays and Songs on Repeat

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I don't get why everyone hates Mondays. I mean, it's not their fault that they got stuck with the first school day.

I love Mondays. I don't know why, they just have a cool name. And my birthday is on a Monday this year.

I absolutely hate Sundays with a passion.

How can you like Sundays?

I mean, they are the gate way to school. Sunday kicks you out from the weekend.

It's the last day to sleep in.

It's the day that you have to rush to finish homework and study for tests.

You have to go to bed early on Sunday. I don't know about you but I can't sleep early on Sundays. You sleep in until 11 and have to go to bed at 9! (at least I do)

My mom is always crabby because she has to go to work the next day, does anyone else notice this?

I always get my hopes up for Sundays because they sound like the delicious ice cream treat.

I wish I could cover Sunday in chocolate sauce and nuts. That would be the best day ever.


I listen to the radio all the time. I am really into pop music and the radio is almost always playing a good song.

What I hate about the radio is that they play the same song over and over and over and over again.


I don't want to hear Nicki Minaj and Skyfall twice every hour.

Don't get me wrong, Thrift Shop comes on and I am jamming but I don't wanna jam all day.

Then they play these really crappy songs (like the one on right now) and I want to shut off the radio and chuck it out the window.

Last weekend, we had the radio on for 4 hours. I heard  "As Long As You Love Me" 6 times.

I love Bieber, but that is OVERPLAYING.

I would like to know one thing, why are they still playing "Call Me Maybe"?

Song of the day:

My Fault by Imagine Dragons

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