Home Renovations

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Was I the only kid that loved to watch Trading Spaces or Extreme Makeover: Home Edition? I used to love watching them over and over again, seeing peoples reactions. I always wished that I could renovate my house like that someday.

Now that I'm older, I hate renovating our house.

My parents recently thought it was a fantastic idea to remove the red from our house. This means we need to paint TWO rooms.

It sucks. A lot. Especially because I'm older. I am now capable of painting, priming, etc. meaning I am their newest recruit. I had paint all over my hands and I kept missing spots and it is just nasty.

And that's only the dining room.



As you are well aware, we are full swing into the awards season, the Oscars are tonight.

I am obsessed with awards shows. A lot. It's bad.

The red carpet is my favourite part.

Throughout any little kids life, I'm pretty sure they wanted to be at an award show at one point in time.

Being that fantastic power couple strutting the red carpet, posing for the dozens of papparazzi.Then standing on that stage, award in hand, telling yourself that you did it.

Probably an unreasonable dream, but still a dream.


Speaking of big dreams, does anyone reading this have a bucket list?

I have been thinking long and hard about it and I thought:


Drop me a comment about your bucket list!

Song of the day:

C'mon by Ke$ha

noy a big fan of Ke$ha but this song is my jam!

Until next time,

Madi xx

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