Chapter Six:

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The Other Side


Ok, so grounding wasn’t what I thought it was. Honestly, I always imagined it to be…fun. You know, sitting at home, not having to go out anywhere. Apparently, in this word, Olimpia world, that isn’t the case. Here, according to Harold I am to do even more chores than before. Instead of just having to clean my room (shove everything under the bed), I have to do the dishes, and vacuum, and dust. Dust! Who the fuck does that these days? I just blow and make it all like…fall onto the floor and shit. I huffed making the piece of my fringe fall back into place. I hate him. I really do. It was Wednesday and my grounding had been on ever since last Sunday. Take this from me. Do not get grounded. Whatever you do, avoid it! Like the bug! Or that scrawny cat that always watches you in the morning.

“Cam!” I heard a shout. Thankfully, it wasn’t the shout I enjoyed the most. In my book, that meant that I had all the rights in the world to ignore the pig squeal.

“Cam!” She shouted again. I wanted so badly to shout out, ‘Busy, got suck out someone else’ But I knew that would just make things worse. Therefore, in the order of ‘how to annoy the fuck out of people’ handbook, this was the next best thing. In addition, annoying the fuck out of Mel was just what I needed to make my day better.

“CAM!” The plate in my hand slipped so suddenly crashing against the marble. I stared down at the pieces feeling her almost touching my body. “God, you really are deaf!”

“You bitch!” I spat getting down on my knees. “You know what, if I stay grounded for longer than 5 more hours, I am going to hurt you.” I said harshly lifting the broken glass. I should have been panicking. Harold had brought this new dinner set a couple days ago spending 800 pounds on it. Whoops.

I stared at the she-devil who was simply smiling as if she had found gold within a minute. “Ooo, you’re in trouble that was my father’s grandmother’s old plate.” She put her finger to her lips pulling a skank face. Mel was lucky that my fingers were slippery and pulling at her shriveled up face would be useless. I sighed dropping the expensive china back onto the floor.

“What do you want Mel? I haven’t got time for your sex problems.” My voice was ruffled and tired. Being grounded was hard work you know. A lot of cleaning and making things unrealistically perfect. I was just hoping that my grounding was coming to an end. If I see another dust bunny I might commit suicide.

“You know that leather coat in your cupboard?” She said leaning against the counter – the same counter I just polished might I add.

“Yes, and no, you can’t borrow it. Ever heard of ‘What’s mine is mine’? Well that rule applies here.” I dumped all the china into the garbage bin pushing Mel out of the way and rinsing out the last diamond glass in the sink and placing it on the drying rack. The funny part was the there was a dishwasher right next to me, but darling Harold had disconnected it making me have no other choice but to wash it by hand. Well there was smashing it all into pieces. That sounds fun.

“Have you ever heard of ‘give it or I’ll tell daddy that u smashed his favorite plate’? Well that rule applies here.” She sneered. I looked at her trying to control my hands into not smashing the glass in my hand. “So I’m guessing I can just take it?” She laughed watching my facial expression to tell her no, but I was too angry to do anything and with a very dangerous material in my hand I doubted she wanted a glass splinter at any point. Mel left with a cat grin and trotted up the steps. I finished cleaning the counters and heard a loud horn blare. Glancing through the kitchen windows, I saw the same green car parked by the gate. For a second my breath got caught in my breath and my thoughts were racing.

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