Chapter One:

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Camillia Jones

You know that feeling when you feel so thrown out of the circle. Almost an underdog. You’re not the one laughing, but the one being laughed at? The feeling that wherever you go, your reputation will follow no matter what? And then you finally have the balls to do something about it? It’s like your ‘lady balls’ are flowers that have to blossom into a size until you are able to take control. Let’s just say I planted my seeds wrong, watered it too much and gave it too much sunlight. I went overboard with everything, and now, I am known for my new rep. The Bad Girl. That’s me. Camilla Jones. More likely known as Cam or Joe. I’m the outcast. Never with my ‘girlfriends’ and never in a crowd. The nerds are afraid of me. The populars are too popular for me. The in-betweeners…they are just as annoying as fuck. To top off that misery, comes death. It has to. Sleep is the sister misery is the brother. All it’s missing is the mother and we have a fucking beautiful family picture. But it wasn’t my mum, or sister or brother that died. No. It was a different death. My dad’s death. Throughout my whole life, he was my rock. I was different then. I was…Cammie. Not anymore. No calls me that. I pushed everyone away, put my summer dress’ and peppy clothes deep into the cupboard and brought out my black boots, motorcycle keys, and alcohol. I don’t care about anything or anyone. Never do. Never will. No one cared when I was in grief, so why should I care? What comes around goes around. 

A new year in a new school is always the hardest part. But do you know what’s the problem this year? It’s not the fitting in part. I never fit in and now I am use to it. It’s not making friends part. I never had any friends to begin with. It’s the new school part. Simply not knowing what to do, my mum fell in love with a filthy rich douche bag that showered her with the tones of green papers. How she fell in love with such a cold heart? No one knows. All I do know is that now…I have moved to England. Leaving the school I have known for years and my dad’s former life. 

I sighed stuffing my school bag with the couple of books that I had so far. My first day in a British school…is going to be interesting. But I have a plan. Stay away. Stay hidden…don’t give a fuck. Sounds simple right? They are the three rules I must stick to. No matter what. 

“Camilla!” I heard a high shout. I sighed slinging on my bag across me and on the way grabbing my coat with a furry hood. I have a feeling this will be part of the second rule. Stay hidden. 

“Morning.” I grumbled coming down greeting my new sister, Mel, and my new father. I just smiled at my mum. The one person I could really tolerate. Well, from time to time even she is an exception. Mel was my age, and damn annoying. 

“Please don’t tell me you’re going to school like this.” Unfortunately, this was her territory. She had been the queen of this school ever since she was 5. And I had a feeling; I was going to be her little puppet. I doubted it, but I knew she was going to try at that. 

“What wrong with my clothes?” I asked. 

She scanned me down with a risen eyebrow holding her toast in mid air. “Your hair looks a mess, your jeans are too tight, your shirt is poking out from the bottom, and…we have a school uniform.” I snarled at her and took in her entire. A white button down shirt, and a simple black skirt. 

“I laid yours out in your room. Didn’t you see it?” My mother asked. Harold (my step-father) was too taken up in reading something to look up and care. Of course I had seen the uniform; I just decided it looked better under the bed. My mum harshly sent me to my room as I begun to get changed when I heard a light rap at my door. I slipped off my tank top calling out, “BUSY!” 

“Cam?” I sighed hearing that young voice. I flung the door open and buttoned my shirt up. 

“Morning Jaden.” Jaden was my new sibling too. It was a little unbelievable to know he was so closely related to Mel. Jaden had a creamy brown skin color, bright green eyes and the cutest smile you could find on a 14 year old. He looked handsome in his uniform, but i couldnt help thinking that there was something wrong with this picture.

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