Chapter Four:

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The Other Side


“WHAT HAPPENED?” He yelled taking in the look of the car; his hands wide opened his face shocked. I shrugged just when Mel appeared coming out of her friend’s car. The man with the clipboard seemed to be trying to put on a strict face but it was slowly going red since what he really wanted to do was break down laughing. I didn’t register Mel’s evil smirk or Harold shocked face. Not even the tomato-head man could make me break my perfect guise. As I brought the pizza box nearly empty out of the car, I begun a story that had no true ending: “I just found that the silver paint looked…boring. So, voila…a makeover!” I laughed clapping my hands trying my best to put up a peppy act and not to drop the remaining slices of sizzling hot pizza in the drive way. That would really be a total shame. Don’t you think? Harold stayed frozen in the same position. I shrugged flipping my hair and walking into the house seeing that I was going to get no reaction other than that. My mother was probably working out late today and I am sure she would get quite the surprise when she gets home. Placing the box on the kitchen counter I ran up to Jaden’s room where I was sure he would be; it was also a place where I could escape Harold’s demanding shouts from outside. “Hey kiddo.” I smiled pushing his door open. “Hi Cam.” He smiled back setting something on the desk. “How was school?” I asked curiously.

“It was great! I got a really good grade in maths, and I was the only one that didn’t cheat!” He exclaimed. I scrunched up my eyebrows taking a seat on his neatly laid bed. “Uh huh.” I said watching him tuck his shirt into his trousers. “And what did you do at lunch?” I asked curiosity peeking at its highest points as if to pierce through me. I had a deep dark feeling that the returning answer wouldn’t really be the same response I really wanted to hear.


“Studied?” I asked surprised. I was right – I didn’t want to hear that. “Why didn’t you go out and play with your friends?” I asked shocked. “Or played football? Or whatever?” He shrugged hanging up is uniform as neatly as it would had hung in a suit shop. It looked almost…un-natural.  

With out permission whatsoever I began shaking my head. “When was the last time you acted like a …14 year old boy?” I asked. Completely shocked. Jaden was so confused at my sudden idea. I walked up to his hanger pulling off his hung up uniform making it bounce off the back of his door almost snapping in two and tumbling to the too clean floor of his room. “First step to being cool,” I said looking at him directly the clothes still in my hands, “Style.”

I made way up to Jaden who was silently making mental notes. “You’re a boy, you’re not meant to be neat.” I stood in the middle of the room and threw the clothes up as they went their separate ways. He looked shocked for a moment. But it quickly dissolved as my smile appeared.  “And this…” I pointed to his attire, “is all wrong.” I said. I pulled him up to me. I pulled my fingers through his soft hair tossing it all up. I grabbed onto his shirt pulling it out of his jeans. As I swayed back to take the look of him more, I shook my head. “No way mate. We…” I motioned between us, “are going shopping.” I took another glance just before adding in the “now” a serious glare at him.

I slammed my locker shut just to see the person I hated the most right now. Mel. She stood a little further back her mouth stuck onto Ben’s mouth as if trying to suck his brains out. “I feel sorry for you Ben.” I whispered not feeling shameful enough to look away. After taking Jaden shopping (which was very successful) Mel decided along with her father, that as a punishment I were to scrub ever stain of paint from the car until Harold could see himself in it. I wanted to fight it asking why on earth did Mel get to decide what my punishment was. And Harold had no right either since he wasn’t exactly my family, but I wasn’t bothered as much and I silently did my work…well I might have broken the car stereo. Cleaning the car wasn’t as bad. I called it stage 2 of being cool: having water fights. I decided that this would be beneficial for Jaden to see how to have fun. He’s 14 for crying out loud! He should be drawing cocks on his work books and chatting every girl in sight up, instead he was sitting doing homework…an extra credit. And Jaden is exactly the type of boy that any girl would fall for. Smart. Cute. Sexy even for some. He had the looks he had the laugh and he had the body. Instead he’s turned into a geek. WHO DOES THAT?

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