Fate Reloaded--Part I, Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

            When Jordana opened her eyes, she found herself lying on the bed in her room. She was confused as to how she’d gotten there in the first place, since the last thing she remembered was being in the living room with Billy.

            Then, as if on cue, she felt the dull throbbing in her head and could feel the tightness of something around her wrists. Wincing in pain, Jordana looked up at her reflection in the mirrors above her bed and was shocked at what she saw.

            It was instantly obvious that the pain was due to the extreme bashing her head had taken. Jordana’s dark hair looked sort of matted to her head, instead of fanning around her, and she could already see the dark circles of blood staining her pillows.

              Upon closer inspection, she could also see that her arms were tied up to the headboard of her bed, and her legs tied at the ankles. Squinting, she recognized her pantyhose as being the things that bound her to her bed.

            Come on! I just bought these, Jordana thought to herself.

            She tried pulling at the tights, but only succeeded in making the knots tighter. Whoever had tied her up had known his stuff.

            Darn Boy Scouts. You teach a kid how to tie a knot and there they go tying you up to bedposts instead. Real practical, Jordana thought, growing increasingly annoyed as she lay there.

            “Good. You’re awake,” a voice said from her right.

            Startled, Jordana’s head followed the voice, and was instantly reminded that she was experiencing the mother of all migraines.

            “Ow,” she muttered, as her eyes settled on the figure sitting in the chair across from her.

            “I was afraid, I’d hit you a little too hard,” the voice said. “You were out for like, fifteen minutes.”

            “Sorry I kept you waiting,” Jordana said through clenched teeth.

            “Oh, it’s no biggie,” Billy answered, sitting still as a statue in the chair. “It gave me a chance to take care of a few things.”

            Jordana tried to look up at her constrained wrists, and then let her gaze fall back on her friend. “Nice job with the pantyhose by the way. Although, I usually go out on a date with a guy before he starts tying me up,” Jordana said, sarcastically.

            “I’d forgotten how funny you are, Jordana,” Billy answered, chuckling and leaning toward her. “You know, I always kind of thought you had a crush on me.”

            “Maybe before,” Jordana admitted. “Now, however—not so much a fan.”

            Billy stood up for the first time and walked closer to the bed. “Ah, don’t be like that, Jor,” he said. “You know I wouldn’t have had to do any of this, if you hadn’t started snooping around.”

            “Well, I wasn’t exactly expecting the robber to be you,” Jordana said, bluntly.

            Jordana watched as Billy turned around and began pacing the room in silence. Her adrenaline was starting to kick in, and her fear was being replaced with a sort of clarity. While Billy’s back was turned, Jordana wiggled her wrists and found, to her excitement, that her watch was still safely on her wrist.

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