Chapter Seven: Where's Louis?

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Oh dear! Louis's missing! What's happened? You don't know? Well, that makes two of us then. Oh, and this is rather a bad three chapter, so do skip if you want :) I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy...


MH x

My heart pounded. Louis wouldn't leave the house at midnight! What the hell is he playing at? I sprinted down to where Cher was, outide in the cold rainy night, just outside Belle Amie's house. It was pitch black and Louis' figure was nowhere to be seen. My heart was beating very fast. I can tell when something bad's happening to Louis - at least I get these instincts. 

"LOUIS!" Cher was screaming in panic. Just then, I caught sight of my brother yelling out at someone. He kicked one of his TOMs in the person's face. My eyes were glued to the scene, and my feet seemed like lead. My breathing was rapid, what the hell was happening?

"That's it!" I heard the person growl. He grabbed Louis's hair, and Lou was yelping, 

"Not the hair! Not the hair!" On a normal circumstance, I would have burst out laughing, but the situation seemed too dire. The engine of the big LandRover started up, firing up my limbs. I had to do something, I couldn't just let my twin be taken away! 

"LILY, COME BACK!" Cher screeched, running after me. The Rover wasn't going very fast, but still my heart was in my mouth as I clutched the windshield wiper at the back window, heaving myself up to the roof. This was the ninja moment I'd always wanted, but right now I'd much rather be back at The House.

"Tomlinson! Who's on the roof!" The man snarled. His voice was rough and jagged. 

"I don't know." whimpered Lou from the backseat. 

"It's Tomlinson Two!" I said, as bravely as I could. There we go again, letting my mouth talk before I make sense of what I'm going to say. I've got myself into deep shit now. Nice going, Lilienne.

"Perfect!" The man whispered. Cher had caught up to the Rover. I yelled at her to go away, but she insisted on taking a leap onto the roof. That's what best friends are for, I guess. She grabbed my hand and I hauled her onto the roof with me. Cher began holding on for dear life. We jumped at the car halted suddenly. Cher began to whimper as the man clambered out of the car and pulling us down from the roof. Our bodies banged together, as the man shoved us into the seat beside my brother. I was scared out of my wits. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. Instead, I cuddled Louis' arm.

Louis's P.O.V:

As the guy yanked me into the Rover (I wouldn't have been so scared if it had been a Lamborgini), he told me something that sent shivers down my spine.

"What do you want, dude?" I asked, bravely. Who had right to shove me into a car and kidnap me? 

"I don't want you! It's your sister that's most likely to win x factor. We are going to get that money off her, or hold her ransom until someone decides she's worth paying money for." 

"Lily would never! She's doesn't even know where we are." I said, disgusted. This guy was sick!

"It's Tomlinson Two!"

Crap. Now I'm scared.


Lily's P.O.V:

"Louis William Tomlinson! Why did you tell me that? Now I'm scared." I moaned, after he told me the kidnapper's plan. Me? 

"I hate you using my full name, Lillienne Alexis Tomlinson!"  I scowled at him and laughed slightly at Cher curled up on Louis's lap, snoring. I rested my head on Lou's shoulder. 

"We got the girl Tomlinson, Madam!" The guy shouted. 

"Good!" A silky female voice replied. A bleachy blonde came into the room, and muttered something to our kidnapper. 

"The girls in one room, Tomlinson in the other." He growled. 

"No!" I said, quickly, but Lou was dumped into a seperate room. I wouldn't cry, I refused to, but Cher was in tears.  

Then I just realised. What about the show tommorrow? Someone would notice we're missing. They have to.

Nialls P.O.V:

 "Lily?" I called, happily. It was our date tonight, and I was just outside her room, imagining her in beautiful dresses or even better....Shut Up, Niall!

No answer. I knocked again. "Babe?" Silence. I opened the door. No Lily. I checked the bathroom. No Lily. Then I her phone. A message lay open from Cher: Louis's gone. My heart pounded. That's where she went. To look for Lou. I was srinting out the door when I heard a beep. I ran back to her phone. My breath was shaky as I read it, worry filling up inside me.

From Louis: Niall, I'm sorry about our date. This is Lily, btw. Me, Lou, Cher, kidnapped. HELP. 

Holy macaroni. 

Niall to the rescue. I hope.

 I did warn you it was stupid.

Picture of Louis. V

xx MH xx

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