Chapter Fourteen

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Written by Kay (TheCrazySide)


Chapter Fourteen

“You all ready?” Harry questioned, rubbing his hands together in an almost anxious manner. It was unnerving, I mean, I knew he was always eager for violence and excitement, but this… this wasn’t like any other time.

This wasn’t just some fucking random girl at a signing or concert. This was one of our own. This was Zayn.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I vocalized timidly to the others, twisting the coils of rope behind my back uncertainly. This time, unlike all the others, it actually felt wrong. I knew that Harry would likely bite my head off for asking for the millionth time, but I also knew if this went badly, Zayn might literally do the same, which was probably worse.

As expected, Harry paused and shot me a nasty glare. “We’re going to go to jail, Niall,” he said coolly. “Having Zayn keeping this girl around and actually caring about her is too far. He lets her go, we have two messes to clean up.”

Liam was as silent as usual as he watched out interaction, also fingering a polished hand knife that he had found the other day. This time, he spoke up though, and of course, it was in Harry’s defense. “What we’re going to do later is already sketchy enough,” he pointed out logically, like always. “Two would be beyond suspicious.”

Right… I nearly forgot what we would be doing later, and though I thought it was more than risky and sketchy, it had to be done. In ways, they were right, but in other ways, I still wanted to fight for Zayn. Sure, we were the secretly psychotic serial killer band, but he was still supposed to be our mate after all, not this…

Maybe you’re going soft too now, Niall, a small voice in the back of my head taunted. Maybe it’s contagious, maybe next, it’ll be you on the chopping block.

Though the thought seemed ridiculous – it really wasn’t, considering we were going to do it to Zayn – it was enough to get me to shut up and stop asking questions.

 It had to be done.

“Get that out of sight,” Harry ordered as we crowded around the entrance to the basement, double-checking that we were all ready.

I did as commanded, making sure the rope was in a small coil behind my back, just out of sight. Though Zayn wasn’t as stupid as the girls we stole from parking lots and club alleyways, considering he’d done it himself, he would probably be preoccupied with Harry’s end of the plan.

 If not though, there was the backup plan that involved a lot more brute force, which Liam and Louis were more than ready for, probably being the strongest two out of us all. I couldn’t help quietly hoping that it wouldn’t come to that though. If this had to be done at all, please, for the love of God, make it easy.

“I think I’ll go take a nap actually,” Zayn was coming back up the steps now, shutting the door of the girl’s prison cell behind him. “I’m too tired for this.”

His excuse was weak and pathetic, and we all knew it. Part of the whole plan was to get him when he least expected, just when he was going to try and be a hero again, what we hated and wanted to put an end to.

 Louis did just that, locking onto Zayn’s shoulders before he could get past any of the rest of us, spinning him around and leading him straight back down the stairs again.

The rest of us followed, watching carefully. Usually, Zayn would have probably thrown Louis off by now out of pure annoyance, but considering he really hadn’t been himself lately, no such thing happened. He only sighed a bit and allowed himself to be led back down and into the room that reeked of death.

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