Chapter Five

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Written by Kenz (TogetherWeRise)
*The pair of us have also decided that the song on the right is a bit of a "theme song" for this story. Sick, yes, but pretty perfect for it! At a point in this chapter there will be a little note saying (PLAY SONG), so please do so and it adds a really intense effect to the scene! Thank you all! :) 

Chapter Five

“She’s useless,” Liam repeated evenly, narrowing his eyes at Zayn.

When Zayn answered him, he was looking around the table at the other three of us, “I beg to differ. From what Niall told us, we can use her to get to the bitch, can’t we?”

Liam pressed his lips together so tightly they almost disappeared. I knew he’d have liked to argue, but he wasn’t going to. Zayn had made his decision and that was the end of it. Besides, the rest of us didn’t have any qualms with keeping her around a while longer. There was only one problem with it; We were getting antsy. We hadn’t truly killed anyone since that preteen that came before the small one, as we’d christened the older girl.

I turned my head to assess the other lads. Oh, yes, we were all most certainly getting antsy. You could tell just by looking at us. Liam was brooding even more, rarely talking to any of us. Louis was unceasingly fidgeting and Niall was constantly talking about what he was going to do to the next girl. As for me, I’d been doing little things to assert my dominance over the boys, and I could admit it.

Other ‘serial killers’, the novices, they had no idea why they did what they did. They all had a point where they snapped because they didn’t know what exactly they wanted, so they couldn’t get it and they were never truly satisfied. As for me, I knew what I wanted, and I know why I liked to kill. That’s why I was different, why I would never get caught. I was in control. 

“Yeah, we can,” Niall said. “You should have seen her face when I used wee one as a foot rest! It drove her up the wall. I tell you, when her times up, the first thing I’m going to do is cut out her-”

I laughed, picking at a rogue string on the sleeve of my knit jumper. “We’ve heard what you’re going to do. Shut up, already.”

He ran his hand through his hair and shot me an apologetic look. “Sorry.”

“Zayn, I don’t think I can wait much longer,” Louis burst from his end of the table.

The four of us turned to look at him. He was tugging at his eyelashes, one of his ticks, and his foot kept jiggling under the table. The combination was getting on my nerves, and if he kept it up much longer I was going to start slapping his hand every time he went to do either one. He would hate getting treated like a child. Thinking of his possible protests made me smile to myself.

“I’m dying here, man. I need blood on my hands.”

As if to show what he meant, he laid both of his hands flat on the table. His nails were nothing but chewed stubs. Out of all of us, Louis was perhaps the least put-together. He was easily frustrated and was to killing as an addict was to heroine. How or where he got his fix, he didn’t really care. It was sad sometimes, really, and it also made him the most dangerous of us all as far as secrecy went.

 “Stop biting your nails. The fans are going to notice and start some uproar over you being stressed over management. We can’t afford any digging around,” I put one of my hands over his in reassurance.

“You‘ll be fine,” Zayn dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

I rolled my eyes. Obviously he wouldn‘t be. If Zayn had an ounce of common sense, he‘d see that the lad was mere seconds from tearing his hair out. If Zayn knew anything about anything, he‘d know that it‘s not good to have your crew so on edge. That‘s how rash decisions get made and bad things happen as a result. But, then, Zayn wasn‘t exactly the brightest.

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