Chapter Two

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Written by Kay (TheCrazySide)

Chapter Two

"Hits hard, doesn't she?" I noted, still rubbing at my sore hand with my other.

Though he was driving, I could see Niall roll his eyes in the rearview mirror, smiling slightly at my pain.

"At least she didn't go straight for the balls with you mate," Harry said pointedly, making a face as he glared at the unconscious girl on the floor of the SUV. "Sporty ones always have a hell of a kick."

"Suck it up lads," Niall taunted, following a curve in the road. "Fighters are always more fun, and completely worth it in the end."

"Oh shut up," I told him, smirking slightly. "You're the only one that didn't even get remotely hurt in this."

Niall only laughed at that.

"You don't even have a type, do you?" I nudged Harry, thinking back to all of his personal picks. Each one had been a different type of girl, varying from girly, to punk, to nerdy, to sporty... like this one.

Harry only shrugged at that, seeming indifferent. "Killing is all the same to me," he said with a cheeky grin, to which I only rolled my eyes and chuckled.

I saw Niall doing the same again. He seemed about to say something else when a soft groan sounded around the car, causing him to snap his mouth closed for a moment.

The three of us sat calmly, Harry and I keeping an eye on the girl on the floor. Her face was scrunching up slightly as her arms, tied behind her back with rope, twisted feebly. I watched with mild amusement as she groaned again, before cracking her eyes open the tiniest sliver.

Her eyes were a pale green color, searching the dirty floor for a moment. I could tell that she knew she wasn't alone, she was smarter than that, but she was afraid to look.

I felt Harry's elbow nudge me and I glanced over at him to see his smirk growing wider, tilting his head slightly like an animal watching its prey.

Sick bastard. But aren't we all?

I only raised my eyebrows at him and looked back to the girl to see her eyes on my shoes now.

"Sleep well princess?" Harry's deep voice seemed loud in the vehicle, and the girl took a deep breath before turning over slightly, fixing Harry and I with her best glare.

"Don't call me that."

Her voice was surprisingly sharp. Though I could practically smell the fear resonating from her body, she somehow managed to keep every other aspect of herself hard, refusing to let us see her actually fall apart or break the tiniest bit.

"What'd you say her name was?" Niall questioned as he glanced back at a stop light, taking in the girl with amusement.

I looked to Harry for the answer; after all, he was the one who had spotted her by the car when we first arrived at the signing. He was the one who had immediately said, "she's next," and carried out the usual set up to get her to meet us.

Looking at the youngest, I watched him think for a moment, scrutinizing the girl before shaking his head. "Rosie, or something? I don't know," he said.

A flicker of something else crossed the girl's face, and I couldn't tell if it was hurt, disappointment, or anger. Maybe all.

"It's Rosalie," she spat, beginning to struggle against her bonds again.

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