The Arena (4)

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Early the next morning, Jay was off on his own. His brother had told him he would last longer on his own. The Careers would never go after a solo tribute. He had managed to escape with his life yesterday during the bloodbath, but now he knew that he needed to grab a weapon. Otherwise, he was sure he would be completely useless against anyone who decided to come after him. He staked out the cornucopia, making sure to stay hidden in the tall grasses. He overheard their plans to go after a small alliance. He didn't care who it was, as he wasn't in an alliance.

The Careers left in a group. He counted six of them leave. He figured that would have to be all of them. It was rare to have an alliance even that big. Once they were out of sight and earshot, he ran for a sword. He decided to be fast about it, as it was not likely they would leave their supplies unprotected. He was right. He grabbed the sword, and suddenly he spotted the girl from his district, Bethany. She flung an ax at him and his last thoughts were what irony, that he would be killed by someone he regarded as weak. His cannon sounded, the sword falling to the ground along with his limp body.

The six Careers, minus Bethany who was still at the campsite, had decided to go after the second smallest alliance: the one belonging to Vance, Nicole and Maggie. Six against three would surely be a piece of cake, they agreed.

Remaining Tributes:

District 1: Destiny-age 14 Cole-age 16

District 2: Kayle-age 17

District 3: Krista-age 18 Mason-age 17

District 4: Delilah-age 15 Sam-age 14

District 5: Nicole-age 14 Vance-age 13

District 6: Bethany-age 18

District 7: Stella-age 13 Rolf-age 12

District 8:

District 9: Kyle-age 18

District 10: Kloie-age 12 Jakeb-age 17

District 11: Kurt-age 12

District 12: Maggie-age 13

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