Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 10]

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AN: Hello, my lovely folks!

First of all, I really want to apologize for my lack of updates. D; School is again my enemy, and after a typhoon attacked the place where I am, electricity was cut off and so is the internet. Aaaannnndddd, I'm very thankful that my lovely DRD is back!!!! :D

DRD: Yes, but don't really expect me to be with Nanally all the time. If you do not know who I am, I'm Damien, Nanally's co-writer.

NS: She helped me with this uber-long chapter to fill in my freaking gaps. ^^; Anyway, thank you so much for the help! :D

Oh, and this is for the lovely Miss Jane aka Llawlietlover212 :D Because she's super awesome :D

I'm going to cut off this long AN. Enjoy, and cheers for the good work, everyone!!!~ :D

[Act 1 - Page 10]

Ryuzaki combed his ever messy hair, only to fail miserably, since his hair won't cooperate with him. Frustrated, he grabbed the cursed bottle of hair styling gel Rue handed over him earlier. He vowed to never use that again since it sticks his hair together, and the process of removing it was a pain in his scalp. It took almost an hour for Watari to make his hair return into its original form, and he nearly hit Rue for it.

He quickly removed the cap and squeezed the contents out, grimacing at the sticky substance. Sighing in defeat, he squished the gel and applied evenly in his hair, swiftly grabbing the comb and running it across his ebony hair briskly while praying that Rue won't see what in Earth he is doing.

Sadly, Rue is a nosy one, and while he was busy combing his hair, the red-eyed one opened the door and greeted him loudly.

"Good evening!!!"

"Will you please shut your mouth?!"

"Eh?" Rue shot him a puzzled look. Ryuzaki might get cranky at times, but if it is the night where he would be accepted as Amaryllis' boyfriend, then what's with that tone? "What's wrong with you?"

Ryuzaki glared at him but continued combing his messy hair. Rue looked at him carefully, and when he saw something wet on his hair, he grinned and giggled.

"What the hell do you want?!"


Before he knew it, his angry twin had dragged him out of the room and slammed the door shut.


Watari sipped his tea peacefully while the radio played a classic old song. He hummed quietly when he heard the sudden slamming of a door nearby and Rue's laughter. The door opened and the said man entered his room.

"Whew...Ryuzaki could be really cranky when he's confused." He said as he sat on the chair opposite to the old man.

"Hmm...I know you like teasing him, but please don't overdo it. He's going to break the door sooner or later."

Can't Spell Love Without L (A Death Note Romance Fan fiction) [Complete]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin