Chapter Seven

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Let's get the drama started!

Maria, Sebastian, Zeke, Ciel, Ronan, and Grell emerged from the woods, dressed in their finest clothes.

Luckily the other rich humans were stupid and didn't notice the fact that's group of finely dressed "people" came walking out of the dark forest.

The town in which the opera was being held was on the other side of the woods from where the manor was, so they had decided to take a shortcut through the woods instead of going around.

No one attacked them on the way there, which was surprising. Maria had been expecting at least a few supernaturals to be camping out in the trees waiting for the right moment to strike. She didn't let it bother her, she was focused on relaxing as much as she could tonight.

More than one head turned to watch them, however, when they stepped up to get their tickets.

Maria quickly figured out why. She was one teenage girl, surrounded by men that looked older than her, except for Ciel. The guys had also positioned themselves in a sort of bodyguard formation, forming a protective semicircle around Ciel and her.

This was totally against the societal norm.

In fact, there group in general was against the norm.

"Shall we go?" Maria questioned cheerfully, ignoring all the humans.

They all settled in a box seat, which Sebastian had deemed the safest.

The opera began, and they began to watch.

Maria soon noticed that Sebastian wasn't relaxed at all.

"Something wrong?" She quietly asked him, leaning over slightly since he was sitting next to her.

"Of course not."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"I was never mad at you. I'm just..."


"Yes," he nodded slightly. Maria smiled a small smile, and she slipped her hand into his gloved one.

"Everything will be fine."

As soon as she said that, Sebastian and Zeke, who was on the other side of her, tensed up.

"Evidently not," Sebastian muttered under his breath.

"What is it?" Maria reached out, trying to sense whatever they were sensing.


Zeke and Sebastian muttered at the same time, both moving to stand. Ronan stood as well, sensing what his King was sensing. Grell instantly stood as well and stood by Ronan.

Ciel and Maria, still sitting, exchanged a glance.

"They're moving in fast," Sebastian spoke to Zeke in a hushed tone as the opera singer onstage started to sing a haunting sort of song in a high tone.

"We need to leave," Ciel finally muttered, gripping his armrests agitatedly.

"Too late. The rogues have surrounded the building, they must all be working together," Zeke responded, and Ronan cursed.

The song the opera singer was singing hit the chorus, her voice rising in tone and volume as the tension of the song grew.

"Would they dare to attack with the humans here?" Maria didn't take her eyes of the show. She was here to enjoy it, dammit, and those stupid supernaturals were ruining it. She felt herself getting angry. She received silence as a response.

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