Chapter Six

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For a girl with a death threat on her head, life sure was boring.

There was nothing to do but sit in the house all day, or go on a walk with one of the guys.

She spent hours talking to the three human servants, who mostly stayed out of the other's way. She wanted them to feel included too, but she also didn't want them to get so close that they got hurt. It would be hard to balance the both.

As boring as life was at the moment, everyone had an underlying tension in them. Something big was coming.

Maria sensed it too, obviously. She went to Ronan one late morning to ask if they could continue to train like they had used to.

"Hey, Ronan."

"Hey, Maria?" He was confused as to why Maria came up to him to talk one on one.

"We need to start training again. I'm a little rusty, I'm afraid."

"You didn't seem rusty when you crushed that rogue's throat."

Maria flinched a little. "He was weak, stronger opponents will be coming. Please train me?"

Ronan finally chuckled, which was a shock. Actually, everything about him lately had been a shock. "Alright, I suppose we can do that now that you've said please."

"Okay, I'll just go change then. Be outside in half an hour?"

Ronan simply nodded, and Maria turned to head for the stairs. In the hallway she nearly bumped into Grell who was, no surprise here, stalking Ronan.

"Grell? Were you eavesdropping?" Maria asked the reaper.

In a swift movement Grell shoved her against the wall, his furious face leaning in very close to hers. "You may have taken Sebas-chan from me, but don't think you can take Rone-chan from me as well!"

"I wasn't planning to," Maria growled back, not appreciating the fact that the reaper had her pinned. Finally she shoved him away from her and continued, "we are just going to practice fighting a bit. You can come train too if you want. Be outside in 25 minutes."

Just then Sebastian came around the corner, and Maria inwardly groaned. She couldn't go 5 steps without running into someone!

"You're training with Ronan?" He frowned, still asking the question even though he had probably been listening the whole time.

"Yes, in 24 minutes, now if you'll excuse me I would like to get changed." With that last word Maria marched upstairs to her room for a little peace and quiet.


Exactly 20 minutes later Maria stepped outside. There stood Grell, Ronan, and Sebastian waiting for her. Ronan and Sebastian were having a stare-off and Grell watched the two dreamily.

And where had Grell gotten that camera? Whatever, not her problem.

"I can train her," Sebastian was saying as Maria approached. She could've heard them from the front door, but she was a master at selective hearing.

"She asked me to help her," came Ronan's reply.

"Sebastian," Maria interrupted, "I did ask Ronan for a reason. I was going to ask you but I didn't want you to go easy on me."

Sebastian only looked amused, "Go easy on you?"

Maria nodded, and suddenly Sebastian's leg swept out and knocked her clean off her feet. She hit the ground with a hiss of irritation, not pain.

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