CH 6 So It Begins....

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This is short but  its something. The next chapter will be longer, I promise. Consider yourselves lucky, I have been sore after Track lately. 

Nico sprinted, the cool night air filling his lungs. He knew he was making a dumb decision. Why should he leave when the entire Roman camp could help? Why go solo when he had a group? Still, he couldn't wait for the senate to decide. He was leaving, now.

Nico rushed to Reyna's quarters. He searched it up and down, looking for something that might help. Nothing, except for a dart casing he found near the door.

A casing? Oh, wait, a tranquilizer! He knew one when he saw one. Lets just say that the Cerberus got a little crazy in the Underworld at some point.

Nico looked around the quarters. Just like Hazel had said, there were drag marks outside. Nico put the picture together, and it wasn't pretty.

Judging by the damage to the door, someone had busted it down. In that time, Reyna had written the code. She probably did it so when the person who kidnapped her came inside, they wouldn't have known what she wrote. The person had broken the door down, shot Reyna with the tranquilizer, than dragged her away. Nico felt anger bloom through him. Someone had taken Reyna, without even giving her a fighting chance. 

Nico swiftly followed the drag marks in the grass. They ended soon enough, but Nico then found car tracks. He followed those, and they led onto a road. Taking in the direction of the tracks as they left the side of the road, he started going to his left.

Nico started on the trail, determination surging through him. What he didn't know was this was only the beginning of a long and dangerous search, one that would take more than he ever imagined.

Its actually getting good, huh? More to come! The next chapter is a personal favorite of mine. I think you will like it too.

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