Chap 14

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I'm going to continue it.... So.... Hope you're all happy.



"B-ben?" I said.

"Huh?" He asked bringing his head up, not breaking the hug.

"I'm not afraid... I just... I can't belive any of this stuff.." I bowed my head.

"About what?" He asked.

"About.. this. I mean I had a brother... And I couldn't even remeber you." A tear slid down.

"Y-you really didn't remeber... Anything?" Ben asked "Not even my name?"

"I told you I had completely erased her memory of you." Slender spoke up.

"Does my parents remember?" I asked.

"Nope. And to be honest I'm not sure how his old stuff ended up there. Your parent's probably thought it was some kid who lived in your house before you guys moved there." Slender explaind.

I shook my head, pushing Ben away, standing up.

"What about thar business trip they went on. Was that real? Or some kinda trap?" I crossed my arms leaning against the wall, looking outside the window.

"It was real. I don't know how we're going to fake your death though." Slender mummbled, thinking out loud

"Excuse me?" I said, breaking myself out of thought.

"We can't possibly bring you back. It would put us, and you, and everyone around you in danger. It bad enough I'm having teens thinking their gonna live roam my forest." Slender laughed.

"S-so I'll never see anyone again?!" I screamed.

"Shh, you still can." He said standing up. Walking towards me.

"Yeah, how?!"

"You can visit the over-relm when Jeff or Ben, even Me and Jack goes." Slender said, joining me by the window.

"Yeah! We'll have so much fun together!" Ben shouted jumping up.

"D-do I have to kill people." I whispered to slendy

"Not if you don't want to. You can go on normal trips, when we're in human form. But youll always end your day here."

"What if I don't come back?" I asked.

"I'll find you." Slender said, using deep voice

"Ok... What if I die or something?" I asked, speaking my mind.

Slender chucked, Deeply. "You dont need to worry about that."


Slender grabbed my hand. "What are you-" I was cut off by a new surrounding.

"Slender! This is NOT funny!" I scremed.

"Who said I was laughing?" A voice said behind me. I turned around. Nothing.

"It would be easier if I could see." I mumbled.

"I suppose it would." I didn't even bother turning around.

"Where am I even?" I asked.

"Walk outside."

"What?! No!" I said.

"Outside. Now."

I sighed. rolling my eyes. I felt around the room, which was wood... and damp, like it had been raining. I soon round a door knob and pushed a door open. I was in some kinda woods. Only the moon lighting in the trees shadows.

My Savior (A BEN Drowned fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now