Chapter 17

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"Ash's birthday is coming up soon and we all told her that we were busy but we are going to throw her a surprise birthday. We thought we could get you and Chad to come and surprise her but let me ask you can you sing?" She asked over the phone.

"I guess I can why?" I asked her.

"The way we want to you to surprise her is to sing to her cause I just think it would be really cute and adorable" she replied and I shook my head and laughed. But I did like her idea and I think I could do this. I know she still thinks of me so she has to have some feelings.

"Okay, yeah I like it" I told her.

"So you'll do it?" She asked.

"Yeah why not" I told her.

"Okay get over to Australia as soon as your rich ass can okay bye" she said and hung up on me. I gave the phone back to Chad and smiled.

"We're going to Australia" I told him as he smiled. I got my phone out and rang up my assistant.

"Get the jet ready, we are going to Australia" I told her before hanging up my phone and putting in my pocket.

"Well I'm going to go get ready for our trip but I'll meet you at the airport" he told me as we both stood up and we did our handshake.

"Okay see you soon bro" I told him. He walked out the door and I took a deep breath I can't believe what is happening. I get to see her again and hopefully try to make everything right. I ran up to my room and pulled out my suitcase from under my bed. I opened it and walked over to my walk in wardrobe and began to put clothes in there. I added shoes and toiletries as well. Once I was done I zipped my suitcase up and decided on having a quick shower. I got changed into my denim jeans and a white V-neck top with my converse and styled my hair. Once everything was done I put my suitcase on the floor and pulled the handle up. I walked out of my room and out of my home to the limo out front of the hotel. I put it in the boot of the car and hopped in before driving off to the airport. I looked out the window to see everything I could of America before I went to Australia for the first time I might add. Soon enough we pulled up out the front of my jet and I hopped out of the limo and grabbed my suitcase. I brang it onto the plane put it with the other suitcase. I turned to see Chad smiling at me as I smiled back.

"Ready to go to Australia?" He asked. We both took our seats and did our belts up.

"Yes" I replied just as the door closed. The jet soon began to take off and I smiled here I come Ash.

*The next day*
Ash's POV
Today was the day of my dance concert. I was stressed out to the max. I knew I had been practicing for the last week everyday but I still felt like it wasn't going to be good enough or that I was going to fail. All morning I was running through it making sure I didn't forget anything and I had it down pack. But I was currently back stage and my family where out in the audience waiting to see me which made me nervous even more.

"Good luck out there" a girl told me smiling and I smiled back.

"Thanks you too" I told her. She looked like another dancer and she looked like she was good. I watched as people ran in and out of the dressing room some sweating and red on their face like a tomato, people crying and people limping back. I was scared but I kept hydrated and was currently warming up.

"Ashleigh please go side stage" a lady yelled into the dressing room. I stood up and made my way to side stage as every called out good luck. I walked past people running off and crew members walking past me. I soon reached side stage and watched the girl dance with her heart and soul and she was amazing. I took a few deep breaths as her song drew to a close and she bowed. People where clapping as she ran off and whispered good luck running past.

"Go" a lady told me. I ran onto the big empty stage and got in my starting position as the lights came on and I couldn't see anything but the row in front of me. The music began to play and I began to dance and giving it all I got. I smiled the whole way through making sure I got everything right and letting the music take over. For a moment it felt like there was no one there and it was just me and the music but as quick as it started it quickly came to an end. I was puffing heavy and bowed. I heard clapping as the lights went off and everyone ran on and was all on the stage as the lights came back on. Everyone clapped and cheered and it soon died down. I was the last dancer in my category and we all stood there in silence waiting before the host walked up to the judges and grabbed a piece of paper. They walked back to the stage and stood in the middle of us.

"Thank you everyone for coming to this years dance comp we hope you enjoyed the show this year and all the dancers" she said as everyone clapped again.

"But now it's time for the all important part which is the winner" she said holding up the envelope. She opened it and held it close to her so no one could see what it red.

"And the winner is......" She said.

"ASHLEIGH ELLIOTT" she yelled. I was in shock I won, I actually won. The who,e room erupted in applause and cheers as a trophy and roses came out. I thanked the people and held the trophy high with a massive smile on my face. This was the best day of my life by far.

"Thank you again all for coming and hope you all have an amazing day" the host said and music began to play and we all danced off stage. Everyone was congratulating me which was nice and everyone was leaving. I walked back to the dressing room and grabbed my things before I walked out to run into my family and they gave me a big hug.

"Congrats" they all smiled and I smiled back.

"Thanks" I replied as Tash threw her arm around me. We walked outside and to my car as I put the trophy in the back along with the roses and my dance bag.

"Thank you guys for coming" I said smiling.

"That's okay" dad said.

"Your where amazing out there" mum replied.

"I knew you had it in you" Tash smiled.

"Well I gotta get home got to get some sleep for work tomorrow" I said giving them all a hug. We all said bye and walked drove off. What a day and I won something that I love but what I still don't understand is why Theo is always on my mind.

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