Chapter 10

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"And now in news this morning the billionaire Theo Rockwell was spotted at his party last night kissing his mystery girl" the lady said.

"The two where spotted up the top of his building in a heated make out session" the lady added.

"We don't know a lot about this girl but we know that she was singing at his party for his work here's a sneak peek" she said as a short video of me singing was played and I hit Tash on the arm.

"Ouch" she helped rubbing her arm.

"I hate you" I said looking at her.

"Why there's nothing bad about this?" She asked stilling rubbing her arm.

"I don't want to be all over the news" I told her pointing to the tv.

"That's what you get for hanging out with Theo" she replied and I sighed I guess I was going to have to get use to this. Just then I left my phone buzz and I picked it up not checking the caller ID.

"Hey" I heard Theo's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hey" I said.

"I'm guessing you saw the news?" He asked through the phone.

"Yeah I did" I replied.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen" he said and I shook my head.

"No it's okay I mean you are the worlds most popular guy" I told him.

"Yeah but hey are you busy after lunch?" He asked.

"No why?" I asked.

"Well I have to work for a bit today but when I finish do you want to hang out?" He asked me.

"Uh yeah sure" I replied.

"Cool well I'll text you when I'm done I gotta go back to work see you later" he said.

"Okay bye" I said and he hung up. I put my phone away and looked at the girls.

"So?" Jess asked.

"He wants to hang out after work" I replied and they both smiled.

"what?" I asked.

"Oh nothing" Tash smiled at me. I gave them both a weird look and just shrugged it off as I slowly got dressed and waited to see what Theo wants to do.


I was currently in the limo with Theo driving somewhere. I was just in jean shorts and a black crop top and my converse. The girls kept whispering to each other and giggling but wouldn't tell me what they where talking about.

"How was work?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"It was alright, how was your day?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah it was chill" I replied when we pulled up at a building. Calleb walked around to Theo's door and opened it as he hopped out and helped me out. I thanked Calleb and we walked into the building. We walked to the elevator and listening to the music. Once we reached the right floor we hopped out and hopped out. We walked down the hall to a massive door when my eyes went wide. I remember this place from when I was almost robbed and he saved me and brought me to his place. He opened the door and we walked inside. I looked around at his place as she shut the door behind me.

"I thought we could hang out here where there are no paps" he suggested and showed me to the couch. I sat down and he sat down next to me.

"Yeah okay" I said just as my stomach grumbled and I saw him smile.

"Your hungry?" He asked and I nodded in response.

"Come on I'll make us something to eat" he said taking my hand and walking me to the kitchen when I sat on a stool and he walked to the fridge.

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