Chapter 16

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1 week later
It has been a week since we where back home in Australia. I've been dancing everyday to get my mind off him and it works but once I stop dancing the memories come back and it hurts me but I have to move on cause I think he has. It's weird how someone, a stranger can come into your life and change it or have such an impact then just leave like your back to strangers again. I don't understand why he would do that it just doesn't make sense with all the memories in my head of us and what he said in the interview. I need to forget him and move on but it's hard when he is everywhere. My sister signed up for a singing contest but I don't know what day it is held on which sucks.

"Ash can you come here please?" I heard my mum call out.

"Coming" I replied and walked out of the garage and to the loungeroom when I saw the rest of my family. I went and sat down next to Tash on the couch.

"So as you know your birthday is very close" mum said when it hit me at how close it was holy shit. I don't even know what I want to do for it gosh I've been thinking about Theo to much to remember how close my birthday was.

"Oh yeah haha" I smiled.

"Well your sisters singing contest is the day of your birthday and your father and I have work so we can do a nice dinner if you want we are sorry" mum told me looking a little sad. Not going to lie I was a little sad that they where all busy on my birthday but what can I do?.

"Nah it's cool dinner would be great" I told her with a small smile on my face.

"You sure. We are really sorry we will make it up to you" she told me.

"It's okay mum really" I told her.

"Okay and remember your dance concert is tomorrow" she reminded me and I nodded.

"Yes I know I've been practicing everyday" I told her as she smiled.

"That's great" she replied and I nodded. I checked the time on my phone and stood up.

"Well I should get going home" I told them all.

"Okay drive safe dear" mum said and I nodded.

"I will bye" I said giving them all hugs and they all said bye back. I walked out the door and to my car. I hopped in and drove off home to my place. I listened to the radio on the way home tapping on the steering wheel to the beat of the songs. Soon enough I pulled up at my little place and I opened the door to see my roommate Ariki as she smiled at me.

"How was your day?" She asked. I put my keys on the hook and walked over to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Yeah it was alright realised my birthday was coming up soon but everyone is busy" I told her and grabbed my glass of water and drank it.

"Aw no I'm sorry" she told me but I just smiled at her.

"It's okay but I might go practice my dance for tomorrow" I told her and she nodded.

"Ok have fun and don't hurt yourself" she said.

"Okay" I said walking to my room and putting the music on as I began to dance.

Theo's POV
A week, a whole fucking week. It's been a week since she left back home and she hasn't gone from my mind. I tried to have sex with a few girls but it just didn't feel right and I'd tell them to leave so it never happened. I couldn't even concentrate on my work I had cause she was just on my mind. To be honest I think I missed her, I missed her curves, her beautiful eyes, her laugh, her amazing smile, her addictive lips ugh I just missed her all together. Every night all the memories would play in my head and it would hurt me. But I know she won't want me back I ruined it in the interview I had and I talked about her.

"Theo, mate are you okay?" I heard Chad say as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sorry zoned out" I told him sitting back against my chair.

"Thinking about her again?" He asked looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Maybe" I replied running my hands through my hair.

"Ugh why the hell did I have to fall for a girl who lives on the other side of the world?" I asked looking at him.

"Who knows Theo but I don't think she has stopped thinking about you" he told me.

"She would of moved on" I replied but he shook his head.

"Dude I still keep in contact with Tash and she told me that Ash hasn't stopped thinking about you but she try's and it just doesn't work" he told me.

"Also before you speak I have news for you that you might like to hear" he said before I could reply.

"What is it?" I asked sitting up straight and looked at him.

"Well you know how you told me that you could never see her again because she is on the other side of the world?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well your company is going global which means you will be traveling the world and seeing how your company there is doing and that means Australia is included" he told me which made me smile but the smile soon dispersed and I looked down again.

"She probably doesn't want to see me or even talk to me" I told him.

"I don't know about that" he told me as I looked to see a smirk on his face which left me confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well I'll let Tash tell you" he replied and handed me his phone and I placed it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Theo do you still like Ash?" She asked straight up.

"To be honest Tash I think I love her" I replied.

"Good caz I have a plan and it's going to go like this....

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