Chapter 9

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All we have done is walk up stairs and let me tell you it is annoying walking up them in heels. My feet where in so much pain I hope wherever we were going wasn't long. The music was getting quieter the more we walked up the stairs.

"How much longer?" I asked getting tired.

"not long" he replied and I sighed. We kept walking till Theo stopped and I walked into his back which was like a brick. I stumbled back a little and saw Theo look behind him at me.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded when I heard a door open. I followed him to be hit with a cold wind but I was a nice breeze. We walked out and the door shut behind me. I looked up to see the sky full of stars it was beautiful. I looked forward to see Theo leaning against a ledge as I walked next to him and looked out to see the whole city full of lights. It looked like it went on forever it was so beautiful you could hear the music from at the party and cars horns.

"Wow it's so beautiful" I whispered more to myself out loud I leaned against the ledge and smiled at the view I could stand here forever and just look out at the view.

"Yes you are" He whispered and I looked at him. The light from the city and the sky shined perfectly on his face. I found a blush creep on my face I saw his eyes look at me with a small smile on his face.

"Did you really just say that?" I asked. My air and dress blew in the breeze but since my dress was long I wasn't worried about it lifting up and showing anything unwanted.

"Yes I did and it's true" he replied and I could feel the blush on my face go deeper. I hated the effect this guy had on me. We both just looked at each other in silence listing to the world around us. I felt him lean in slowly as I found myself leaning in as well. Our lips soon meet and it felt magical. In books normally the girls stomach is full of butterflies but mine was filled with a zoo. Our lips fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. I felt like there was no one in the world but us in this moment in time. I wished the kiss wouldn't end but I saw a flash out the corner of my eye. We pulled away to see a camera flash and my eyes went wide.

"I, uh, I have to go" I said running off. I pushed past the paps and ran down the stairs well tried to. I heard Theo calling my name but I kept going. I wasn't going to stop because if it did I knew I was going to fall. I kept going until I reached the bottom floor I saw Theo running down after me so I rani to the crowd of people trying to find Jess and Tash. I could still hear him calling after me when I found both of them.

"Let's go" I told them and pulled them with me as we ran out of there. It was hard in heels let me tell you but we ran to the car and all hopped in. I slid into the passage seat and Jess drove us hope as I sunk into the seat and sighed.

"What happened why did we have to leave?" Tash asked from in the back.

"I sort of... maybe... might have... kissed Theo and the paps got a photo" I replied and I felt both of them look at me with their eyes wide but Jess went back to driving so we wouldn't crash.

"What? No way, what was it like?" Tash asked.

"Yes way and it was nice" I replied. I heard her squeal in excitement.

"You sing at his works party and kiss him in one night what a lucky duck I'm jealous" Tash said and I shook my head.

"Your going to be all over magazine and the tv" Jess informed me. She pulled into the hotel car park and found a car spot. We hopped out of the car and she locked it.

"Oh trust me I know and it's gonna be great news" I sighed. We made our way to the elevator and up to our room. We walked to our room and opened the door when I walked into the bathroom.

"Can someone help me unzip?" I asked and Jess walked over and unzipped me. I thanked her and went for a shower I could still feel the tingling feeling on my lips from the kiss as I smiled.

Theo's POV
I couldn't believe what just happened. I watched her drive off in a red Holden and I sighed. Stupid paps how did they even know we were up there. I turned around and walked back inside to the party. The kiss was amazing, it was like no other kiss I've had. Her lips where so addictive it was bad I just didn't want to pull away but when we saw a light flash next to us we had to, to see who it was. She had a beautiful voice and I can't believe she did that.  I watched her as soon as the lights went down and the only lights that where on where on the stage. She looked absolutely breathtaking tonight. I found Chad with a confused look on his face as he looked at me.

"Hey man have you seen Natasha?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah she ran off with Ashleigh" I replied but his confused look didn't leave his face.

"Why did they run off?" He asked again.

"I kissed Ashleigh when the paps got a photo of it and she ran off grabbing Tash and another girl along the way" I replied. Chad smiled and patted my back.

"Good on you man was it good?" He asked and I nodded man I could still feel her lips.

"But it sucks about the paps now your both gonna be in the news" he informed me and I nodded. I know how to deal with all this shit cause it isn't new for me but I know it's new for her and she doesn't know how to react.

"Come on dude let's enjoy the rest of your party" Chad said putting his arm around me and walking me into the crowd of people.

Ashleigh's POV
I was done in the shower and was in my pjs. I was lying on my bed looking at the celling thinking about everything that's happened since we have come here.

"Well I'm off to bed" Tash said turning off the light and jumping into bed next to me.

"Don't worry about the paps okay you'll be fine, good night" Tash said. I pulled the blanket over me and got comfy.

"Good night" I said before I found myself falling asleep.

The next day
I woke up to see Tash wasn't in bed. I sat up and stretched out. I made my way to the couch where I saw Jess and Tash with the tv on. I sat down next to them and looked at the to to see the news was on great.

"Oh morning sleepy head" Jess greeted.

"Morning sis" Tash greeted.

"Morning guys" I replied when there was a photo of Theo and I kissing with the caption the millionaires kissing the mistory girl and Jess turned it up.

"And now in news this morning the billionaire Theo Rockwell......

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