Chapter 12

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I made my way over to him and smiled.

"I'm going to go for a shower just make yourself at home" he told me brushing past me. I watched him walk up the stairs and disappear. I turned back and sat down on the couch with my legs tucked under me. I turned on the tv and sat there watching it. I can't believe the effects this guy has on me. His lips were addictive like how people are addicted to smoking or drugs and I couldn't get enough. Everytime he held me I felt warm and safe but then when let go I felt cold and weird. I've heard a lot about Theo but when I'm around him it seems like it all disappears and he is different to how they say.

"BOO" I heard Theo shout from behind me. I jumped and screamed which made my heart race. I looked behind me to see Theo laughing at me but no matter how sexy he looked I was mad at him. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

"That wasn't funny" I said which made him look at me.

"I'm sorry" he apologised but I turned my head back to the tv.

"Aw come on it was funny" he said walking around to stand in front of me.

"I'm trying to watch the tv" I told him and I saw him smirk and cross his arms.

"I'm not moving till you agree that it was funny" he said still in the middle of the tv.

"Fine I'll just sleep" I said laying down on the couch. I saw him walking over to me and lean down in front of me.

"Don't be like this" he said and I closed my eyes. I felt him begin to tickle me and I was laughing and trying to stop him but he wouldn't budge.

"S-stop" I laughed and he was leaning over me tickling me.

"When u agree it was funny" he said still tickling me.

"I-I can't when your tickling me" I laughed moving under him and hitting him on the chest and the arms to get him to stop.

"You still won't say it when I stop" he said as I was running out of breath.

"Okay okay it was funny" I yelled out and he stopped tickling me. I had my eyes clothes and was catching my breath.

"There you go" he laughed and I opened my eyes to see him looking at me in the eyes. I smiled and looked at every part of his face. I didn't realise he was coming closer until it was too late and his lips where on mine. His lips felt perfect on mine and they moved together. My hands snaked around his neck and I felt him lick my bottom lip asking for entry which I denied. His hands ran down my body leaving a trail of sparks until they stop on my ass and he squeezed it which made me a gasp. He took this as an opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth. This was a whole new experience both of us fought for dominance which he won. He sat up making sure not to break the kiss and pulled me on top of him with my legs around his waist. We were in a heated makeout session and my hands ran through his hair. He slipped his hands under his shirt I had on and I felt goosebumps on my stomach from his touch. His hands kept going up when his phone started to go off but he wasn't pulling away.

"You should get that" I said in the kiss.

"It can wait" he told me and as much as I wanted to kiss him I pulled away and was breathing heavily. I looked at him and he grumbled before he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and answered it but his other hand stayed were it was but he moved his thumb around. I watched him talk to whoever was on the other end of the phone and he saw me looking at him and smiled. I smiled back at him when he soon ended the call and put his phone down on the couch and his arm came back around me.

"What was the call about?" I asked even though it was none of my business I just was trying to make conversation.

"Work" he replied.

"Oh ok was it good or bad?" I asked again.

"Normal" he replied and just looked at me. I wasn't going to question him more since I don't need to know. We just sat there in silence looking at each other in the eyes while the tv played in the background. His eyes where so captivating and I didn't move from the position we were in.

"What's your favourite colour?" He asked out of the blue.

"Aqua, what about you?" I asked and his hand hands went around to my back.

"Green, Favourite movie?" He asked leaning back.

"Star Wars, what about you?" I asked.

"Harry potter" he replied and we continued to ask each other questions and get to know each other little and little. We still stayed like we were and didn't break eye contact as questions went back and forth to each other.

"What hobbies do you have?" He asked.

"Singing, dancing, surfing the Internet and um sleeping what about you?" I asked.

"Football, sleeping and I can play the guitar a little-" I cut him off.

"Really? Where's your guitar? Can you sing for me?" I asked getting excited a little.

"Woh calm down there I don't really feel like playing" he told me and I pulled my puppy face.

"Please one song?" I asked. I heard him sigh and rest his head back.

"Fine my guitar is in my room I'll get it" he sighed in defeat and I hopped off him and pulled him off the couch. I pushed him towards the stairs and he walked up as I waited at the bottom. I was excited to hear him sing for the first time I didn't even know he could sing at all. He soon came down with a semi acoustic in his hands. I smiled and we sat down on the couch opposite each other. He began to pluck the strings of his guitar and he was playing photograph by ed Sheeran. I watched him as he played the guitar and he went to sing the first line and I was gobsmacked. His voice was amazing it fit perfectly with the song and kept his eyes on me. I was in shock listing to him I can't believe he hasn't been famous for this cause he is amazing like just wow. He soon needed the song and placed the guitar down.

"You where frecken AWESOME" I said which made him laugh.

"Thank you" he laughed.

"I'm not even joking like wow your voice" I said smiling.

"Your voice is just as lovely" he replied and I smiled when a yawn escape my mouth.

"Are you tired?" He asked and I turned on his phone to see it was already 2am holy shit.

"It's 2 in the morning we need some sleep" I replied looking at him. 

"Yeah just let me go put my guitar back" he said standing up and walking off. I laid down on the couch and was laying on my side waiting for him to bring down a blanket and pillow for me. I closed my eyes and had my arms hinder my head. I felt muse of drifting off to sleep slowly when I felt someone pick me up bridle style which made me open my eyes to see Theo as he looked at me and shhhed me before I could speak.

"It's okay close your eyes" he said and I felt him place me down on a bed and this bed was so comfy it was like a cloud. If I could sleep anywhere in the world it would have to be this bed. I felt a blanket go over me as I got comfy and just before I fell I felt the bed dip next to me and a kiss on my head as a smile spread on my face.

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