Chapter | 23 |

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Chapter | 23 |
Jordyn ~

I moaned opening my eyes blinking and sighed as I was back in the bedroom. I put my hand on my head cringing as it was pulsing in pain, I sighed sitting up shutting my eyes in pain.

I opened my eyes looking around the quiet room and bit my lip feeling be tears form in my eyes...

Evangeline is gone...

And it's all my fault...

First Xavier and now her...

I hugged my legs crying wishing all of this can just end already... I wish I was with Mason and everything can go back to normal.

"Why the tears little one?" I heard and gasped looking up seeing a man standing there. He smirked down at me leaning on the doorframe and I growled lowly remembering who he was.


The demon bastard that killed her.

"How's your head? I didn't mean to knock you out... You're a strong fighter" he said walking closer making me back away. "I've never seen a female fight back before. I have to say it turns me on" he smirked making me shiver in disgust.

He walked to the bed sitting down and I went to crawl off it, I yelped as something pulled me back laying me down roughly as he sat there sighing.

I growled struggling from the invisible force as he looked at me. "Listen. I don't want to keep hurting you but you're going to have to not fight me so much-"

"Fuck you. I know what your plans are and you expect me to just sit here and let you do it?" I growled out. "It's your duty to do so. Why else do you think your wolf was created?" He asked looking at me with those dark eyes.

"I'll never stop fighting you" I whispered and he just sighed in annoyance, "years and years my family have followed this tradition and it just so happened to be my first year and I get paired with the stubborn one. Since when are you females stubborn?" He asked looking at me as I moved my foot.

"I don't know about others but I've been stubborn since I was born" I growled out and kicked him hard in the face making him grunt out loudly holding his nose. The force was released over me making me quickly get out of the bed and run to the door.

I opened it quickly running out and ran down the hall as fast as I can, I turned the corner and screamed being grabbed by the neck. I growled loudly grabbing the persons arm biting into the flesh hard making me taste blood and flipped them over my shoulder making them land on their back hard.

'Thank you Mason for training me!'

Seanavik groan laying there making me snort "strongest warrior my ass" I muttered running down the hall again. I yelped as I was slammed against the wall roughly making me bang my head.

Are you kidding me?!

"You little bitch" Emerson said holding my neck making me growl, "oh my" we heard and looked seeing Sasha and Raphael or shall I call him Avedima standing there wide eyed.

"You've gotten me a stubborn one" Emerson said holding my neck making me growl. "My apologies sir. I should've warned you from the beginning that she's not... Like the others" Raphael said looking at me with hard eyes making me clench my jaw.

"She's tried to escape me twice now. Busted my nose twice in the last 24 hours. I don't know if I like that" Emerson said tightening his grip on my neck.

"I'm so sorry sir. If there's anything I can do please tell me" Raphael said making me snort "kiss ass" I muttered making Raphael glare at me.

Emerson looked at me smirking and tightened his grip on my neck making me growl holding his wrist tightly. "Let's have a talk in private about the situation Avedima" Emerson smirked yanking me against his body making me grunt.

"Private my ass-"

"Jordyn enough!" Raphael snapped "Fuck you!" I spat back struggling against Emerson's hold. He grinned holding me closely, "we should start the sacrifice faster that way she can be disciplined and tamed" Emerson growled down at me making me glare at him with so much hatred.

"Whatever you want" Raphael smirked, "we'll go to the clearing in 2 days where I'll begin with the mating" Emerson said. "The hell you will. There will be no mating" I growled at him making him smirk. He looked at Raphael with a raised eyebrow "I'll have everything set up for you" Raphael nodded.

"In the meantime. I want her secured somewhere, I don't want her escaping again" Emerson said. "We can lock her in the cells" Sasha said looking at me with hard eyes.

"Very well. But if I find out any of you harmed her. I'll kill you myself" Emerson growled making me roll my eyes.

"Of course sir" Raphael mumbled nodding...

  I sat in the dark cell quietly and looked at the chains around my wrists and ankles. I sighed leaning my head back thinking about the facility...

I wonder is Ian and Fane made it out alive...

If Ian was dead we would've felt it right?

'Yeah... He's still alive' Sarafina mumbled quietly making me look down.

You're quiet-

'I'm tired of this shit... I want out'

Save your strength for that asshole...

She smirked at me and chucked 'fine' she sighed.

We lost two of our friends...

Xavier... Evie...

'I know. I'm so sorry' she whispered sadly making me close my eyes holding back the tears.

'Do you hate me?' She mumbled sadly and I shook my head.

Of course not. It's not your fault this happened.

'All this is happening because of me-'

No. Not because of you. Don't you dare think any of this is your fault. You're a victim in this as much as I am. It's neither of our faults Sarafina.

She looked down sadly and nodded at me, 'I'm sorry' she whispered making me sigh.

You have nothing to be sorry for...

'What do we do now?' She asked looking at me as I stared at the doorway.

"I don't know..." I whispered closing my eyes...

Moon of His Life (sequel to His Possession)Where stories live. Discover now