Chapter |18|

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Chapter 18
Evangeline's p.o.v

   I walked into the bedroom quietly holding the tray, I walked to the table placing it down humming softly and went to the window opening the curtains letting the sun shine in.

I looked out the window towards the forest biting my lip and sighed turning around. I screamed as someone grabbed me by my neck slamming me against the wall roughly.

I panted wide eyed seeing Jordyn standing there staring at me with her eyes glowing bright blue.

"Jordyn. Jordyn it's me" I gasped trying to push her arm off me. "It's me Evangeline! I'm your friend" I gasped for air whimpering as she growled deeply. "Please" I whimpered seeing black spots entering my vision, she growled darkly but soon her eyes turned back to her violet ones.

She gasped quickly letting me go backing away wide eyed, I fell to my knees coughing loudly gasping for air.

"Oh my god" she whispered wide eyed, I looked at her rubbing my neck and she looked at me with glossy eyes. "E-Evangeline. I'm so sorry" she whispered blinking back the tears.

"It's okay. I'm okay" I whispered clearing my throat, "I don't know what came over me" she said shaking her head quickly. I stood up blinking and looked at her, I went to walk to her but she backed away.

"No. I.. I don't want to hurt you" she whispered looking at me. "You won't hurt me-"

"I just did! I choked you without even realising it. I..." She stood there frowning and gasped running to the bathroom. "Jordyn?" I said running after her, she sat on her knees quickly throwing up in the toilet.

"Oh sweetie" I whispered going to her holding her hair back as she threw up. "Ah! It burns" she coughed gagging, "it's your body healing" we heard and I looked up seeing Kyren in the doorway.

She threw up more crying and he walked to her, "I'll hold her. Get some water and her soup ready" he said to me grabbing her hair holding it back gently.

I nodded walking back out getting everything ready, I looked up as he walked in holding her. "She's needs more healing" he mumbled walking to the bed laying her down. She whimpered hugging herself in a fetal position, "hand me the water" he said putting the blanket over her.

I grabbed the cup and poured some cold water handing it to him, he held it and sat her up making her moan.

He closed his eyes whispering something and I watched the cup glow. "Her wolf is more weak than I thought" he said moving closer to her and held her chin, "Drink" he said softly. She slowly gulped the water and closed her eyes moaning, "drink all of it" he said.

She slowly took the cup into her hands gulping the rest of it and he took the empty cup putting it down. "Have you spoken to your wolf lately?" He asked her and she shook her head laying there, "no. I haven't heard her or spoken to her in months"

"She never came up when you were in that facility?" He asked and she shook her head. "I can barely feel her anymore" she whimpered closing her eyes.

"That drink should help her. She's very weak yet she's trying to gain control over you. Both of your bodies are fighting against each other making you more weaker" he said moving her sweaty hair.

"But Jordyn listen to me. Do not let her gain control over you" he said sternly making us frown.

"Why? She's her wolf" I said looking at him, "her wolf isn't in her right state of mind. She's been trapped somewhere and she's angry. They're both very powerful and if she gains control... She might try to kill everyone"

"No. S-Sarafina isn't like that" jordyn moaned shaking her head. "You don't know what she's been through. All that time trapped in your head from the witch's spell. She's been held back without her control. It's too dangerous for her to come out. You need to hold her back and calm her down as much as you can" he said and she gulped nodding.

"Don't let her gain control" he said again, "what if I can't control her?"

"Just try Jordyn" he whispered and she blinked looking at me, "Mason?" She whispered making my chest sink. "He hasn't come yet" I whispered making her look down, "I won't be able to control her without him..."

"You need to be able to fend for yourself Jordyn" Kyren said and she just shook her head. "We need our mate" she mumbled making him sigh, "he'll be here soon. I know he will" I said truthfully.

If he's not here now.
Then he must be getting closer.

I can feel it in my gut.

     I walked out the bathroom humming and looked at Jordyn sitting up in bed eating her food hungrily. I smiled watching her and she looked at me, "I'm glad to see you awake" I said and she just ate. "I'm so hungry" she moaned making me chuckle.

"You've been healing for the last couple of days... Plus you were... Being starved at that place" I mumbled thinking about how skinny and beaten she was.

I looked back at her as she ate seeing her complexion was getting back to normal. She didn't have that ghostly pale skin anymore, she was still very skinny but not too boney as she was when I first saw her.

I walked to the tray from the table grabbing the small plate of bread and butter. "Here. Have some bread. You can't eat certain foods just yet since your body is still healing. You need all the nutrients you can get" I said and she nodded sitting there chewing. I handed it to her and she took it eating it hungrily.

The door opened and I looked seeing Kyren, he looked at Jordyn and smirked. "I see your appetite is back" he said and she nodded, "I'm really hungry" she said with her mouthful making me smile.

"That's good. How's your wolf?" He asked and she gulped "she's still agitated but... I guess she's okay" she shrugged finishing off the bread.

"That's good. We need her under control" he said and she nodded looking down at her tray.

"I'll order for more food" he smirked walking out, he looked at me and winked before closing the door making my heart race.

"You like him" jordyn smirked making me blush. "No I don't"

"He's a little older for you don't you think?" She smirked "shut up" I blushed making her smile. I sighed looking at her smiling, "I'm glad you're getting better" I said and she sighed "me too" she mumbled with a sad look looking down at her hands.

"He'll come" I said knowing she was thinking about her mate. "I hope so"

"Um... I found out there's been a change of plans" I mumbled waking to the bed sitting down. "What plan?" She frowned looking at me, "Avadima... Raphael I mean. He's going to speed up the process" I said and she just looked at me in confusion.

I took a deep breath looking at her "the demon is coming in 2-3 days" I said making her freeze. "What?" She whispered in horror, "he's getting impatient. Raphael. I don't know why but he thinks you'll try something and he's not willing to let you go so he called to the demon... He's coming sooner than we think" I said.

She sat there silently and looked down with a blank expression. "J-Jordyn?" I whispered moving closer to her looking at her

"What am I going to do?" She whispered looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know" I whispered back shaking my head. She covered her face sobbing and I wrapped my arms around her, she cried in my shirt shaking her head.

"2-3 days. That's not enough time to escape here.... Isn't it?" She whispered looking at me.

"Well we're going to have to try. It's either that or be mated to a demon hybrid" I muttered making her close her eyes letting the tears fall.

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