Chapter | 10 |

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Chapter | 10 |

  I moaned opening my eyes feeling my head pounding against my skull. I blinked looking around seeing I was in a car making me frown.

"Ian?" I mumbled sitting up holding my head, I groaned in pain closing my eyes as it felt like my head has been stomped on. "Ian, what happened?" I mumbled opening my eyes and looked in the drivers seat.

I froze seeing Raphael sitting there driving, "good morning" he smirked looking at me and I looked out the window wide eyed. "No" I whimpered looking around, "don't be afraid. I'm taking you somewhere safe-"

"Bullshit! You're one of them" I growled and he just chuckled sitting there shaking his head. "You white wolves never seem to appreciate what I've given you" he sighed shaking his head and I just glared at him.

"Where is Ian? What did you do with him?" I asked gulping nervously. "I didn't harm him that badly. Just enough to knock him out" he said and I looked out the window. I grabbed the door handle trying to open it and he chuckled.

"It's locked. You should know better than-"

He froze when I kicked through the window using all my might. I tried to climb out quickly but yelped as he grabbed me by my hair yanking me back against the seat.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yelled "fuck you!" I spat at him and he just pulled the car over pinning me down.

"No! Let me go!" I screamed loudly as he used cable ties around my wrists roughly and tightly making me wince.

"Stop struggling! I don't want to hurt you!" He snapped as I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping someone can hear me. "Quiet!" He yelled putting a cloth in my mouth quickly.

There was a bang on the car and he growled sitting up looking out. I shoved him with my feet hard and climbed out the car making the glass dig in my skin. I fell out the car crawling to stand up and Raphael growled climbing out the car.

I quickly ran as fast as I could towards the forest, "must I say this again you stupid girl" he growled and I screamed as he grabbed me pushing me to the ground. "You cannot out run me" he growled keeping me down with his foot.

I turned over on my back and kicked him between his legs hard making him cry out. I turned over crawling to stand up and ran down the forest taking the cloth from my mouth.

I whimpered hearing him roar and I swear I felt the ground vibrate. I gasped running faster feeling my heart pounding, I cried out hearing his footsteps behind me and I turned the corner going in zig zags hoping to lose him or something... Anything...

I gasped seeing the edge of the cliff and I looked back seeing Raphael running to me quickly. I looked down the cliff seeing the smoke in the far distance coming from where the facility burned down.


I looked down the cliff and backed away quickly going to run off, I screamed being yanked back hanging off the edge.

"God damn it" Raphael growled holding my wrists which were still in cable ties burning into my wrists.

I struggled from his grip looking down the mountain and gasped wide eyed seeing a group of people. "Don't you dare" Raphael growled and I took a deep breath and screamed at the top of my lungs hoping they could hear me.

"Help me!!" I screamed towards them as Raphael went to pull me up. I struggled from his grip trying to push him off me, "Jordyn!" I heard a yell and looked down at the group of people making my eyes widen.

"Xavier!" I cried out with tears in my eyes, Raphael grabbed my arms roughly yanking me up over the cliff and I used both my hands to hit his chest crawling away.

He growled grabbing my ankles pulling me back and I kicked his face standing up running down the hill.

I cried running and heard someone call my name, I ran towards the voices and heard Raphael growl loudly "that's enough of this nonsense" he growled and I spotted Xavier running up the hill.

"Xavier!" I screamed running towards him, he ran to me quickly grabbing me and I screamed being tackled.

Xavier used something to push Raphael off me and kicked him in the ribs hard. I stood up quickly going behind him panting and he growled holding me behind him growling.

"Back off!" He snapped at him holding me, I held the back of his shirt backing away and he motioned me to keep going.

Raphael stared at me and I tensed looking at his dark eyes, "Xavier" we heard and looked up seeing some guy running to us quickly.

I heard a loud snap and I gasped seeing Xavier fall back on the ground hard. I stood there wide eyed feeling my heart pounding as everything seemed to be in slow motion, I stared at his chest and listened closely not hearing his heart beat making my heart stop.

"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs going to him grabbing his face. "Xavier?! Xavier! look at me! Wake up! Please! Wake up!" I sobbed grabbing him and Raphael stood up grabbing me.

"NO!" I screamed loudly struggling out of his grip grabbing Xavier pulling his body to me. "That's enough!" Raphael roared yanking me back putting me over his shoulder and I sobbed looking at Xavier's body laying there.

I shut my eyes tightly giving up as He ran away quickly...


Raphael ran across the road to his car and threw me in tying me up. I laid there sobbing and he laid me down getting in the car, I shook my head sobbing.

He grumbled going in his medical bag taking out a needle and I stared out the window crying as he grabbed my neck injecting me with whatever it was.

"Xavier!" I sobbed closing my eyes feeling my body getting weaker and weaker until I slipped into the darkness with flashes of Xavier in my head....


A/N ~ Happy thanksgiving 🍗 - Ashlee

Moon of His Life (sequel to His Possession)Where stories live. Discover now