Chapter | 13 |

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Chapter | 13 |
Jordyn ~

   I stood in front of the big doors staring at the floor and Evangeline sighed standing behind me. "Ready?" She whispered and I just shook my head.

No. Of course I'm not ready. I'm going to meet the people who ruined my life.

"You'll be okay" she whispered walking to me, she straightened my dress fixing my hair and sighed nodding going to the doors opening it.

I stood there tensely and looked up waking into the dining room slowly seeing people sitting around a huge dining table.

I stopped in my tracks staring at them as they looked up at me, "There she is" I heard that bastard say.

Raphael smiled standing up walking to me and I glared at him, "Jordyn" he smiled reaching for me but I backed away glaring at him. "Be nice now"

"Why should I?" I muttered glaring at him and he just smirked at me with dark eyes. "Come sit with us. You must be starving" Sasha smiled walking to me and put her hand on my arm gently walking me to the chair and I just glared at Raphael walking.

She sat me down and I looked around at everyone as they stared at me smirking. I gulped sitting there silently as Raphael sat down at the head of the table.

"I hope your stay here's has been decent. Certainly better than that awful place" he said and I just stared at him. "Does she not talk?" A girl muttered and I looked at her red eyes as she sat there drinking her wine.

She must be Lucinda...

"Oh trust me. She talks" Raphael chuckled

"Please eat" Sasha smiled sitting down looking at me and I looked at the food on my plate. Though I felt famished, I didn't trust the food...

I don't trust them.

"Let me introduce everyone. This is Seanivik, our second in command. She's Lucinda and that's her brother Lucas" she said pointing to the big guy and the twins whom stared at me with their red eyes.

"Next to you is Kyren. And of course you know my love, Avidema" she smiled staring at Raphael. He smirked at her drinking his wine making her smile, she looked at me smiling "please eat"

"I'm not hungry"

"You haven't eaten and your still skinny as a skeleton. We need you healthy-"

"What for?" I muttered staring at Raphael and he just looked at me. "Let's just have a nice dinner before we get down to business" Sasha smiled picking up her knife and fork. Everyone sat up eating but I just sat there silently staring at my plate.

"Jordyn. Eat" Raphael said looking at me but I glared at him. "Must you always make everything difficult?" He sighed looking at me. "Just tell me what you people want with me" I muttered through my clenched teeth, "I'd rather have a nice Dinner-"

"Well I would like to be home right now and not have to deal with this bullshit. We can't all get what we want now can we?" I muttered glaring at her and she just stared at me. Her eyes turned red staring at me and I just growled staring at her, she sat there silently and just frowned looking at Raphael with a confused expression.

He rubbed his chin watching us and raised an eyebrow looking at me. "Tell me" I muttered looking at him, "you know nothing of the prophecy"

"Just that something is coming and you guys are cowards so you made the white wolves to protect your asses" I sighed leaning back in my seat.

"Do you know what is coming?-"

"Just fucking tell me already" I said and Sasha growled lowly, Raphael raised his finger to her motioning to calm down and he looked at me. "About every 20 years we create 12 white wolves. Each of them have different powers as you may know. The weakest ones die first-"

Moon of His Life (sequel to His Possession)Where stories live. Discover now