The Day with Jared

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My cellphone ringing awoke me from my peaceful dreams. I looked at the caller ID. It was Amanda.
"Hello?" I said.
"Sophie! My date with Justin is today! I'm freaking out what should I wear? I have nothing to wear!"
"Ok Amanda calm down you have plenty of clothes."
"But none of them are right."
"Ok I'm gonna help you through this." I said getting up from my bed and went to my own closet.
" help me."
"Ok Justin likes a down to earth girl. Like he liked my sister. So wear something casual and comfy but still a bit girly you know?"
"Yeah ok I will send you a pic when I'm done. Thanks for helping Soph Loaf."

I hung up and hopped in the shower. Today I'm gonna hang with Jared all day. It's finally drama free in our relationship and I want to have a fresh beginning."

I got out and put on a pretty yellow crop top with daisies on it and high waisted denim shorts.

I did my hair in a messy bun then plopped down on my bed and grabbed my phone. Amanda sent me a pic. So lets see it. In the pic she was wearing a muscle tank that said 'good vibes' and she was wearing a pair of high waisted shorts similar to mine. She looked perfect. I told her it was a great choice then I texted Jared and told him to come over.

He told me yesterday that he had this whole day planned out and I was going to love it.

Jared arrived pretty quickly.

"Hey baby come in I need to eat breakfast." I told him pulling him inside.
"But you don't. Because I'm taking you out for breakfast."
"Yep. Put on your shoes and we will go."

We went out to the car and I went and sat in the passenger seat.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see." He said smirking.

A few minutes later we pulled in at Coco's. If you know me, you know I love Coco's but I rarely go anymore.

"Oh my gosh jared!" I said, "Coco's???!!!"
"Yep. I know you love it."

I have him a little kiss on the lips and we went in.

I ordered banana and blueberry oatmeal, while Jared ordered a vegetable omelet.

It was so delicious and I savored every piece of it.

After we ate Jared paid and he dragged me out to the car.
"Where are we going now?" I asked anxiously.
"Another surprise."

He's doing this on purpose he knows I hate surprises so much.

We were in the car for 30 minutes now. Where could we be going?

We were in the car for a while when I saw a sign that said 'San Diego 3 miles'

San Diego? I've never even been to San Diego. Wonder where we are going.

I must've dosed off because soon enough Jared was shaking me telling me we were here. I opened my eyes and looked around. I couldn't tell where we were because we were just in a large parking lot.

"Where are we, jared?"
"If you didn't fall asleep you would already know."

Curse me and always falling asleep in cars. Even when I'm wide awake I still fall asleep because they are so soothing to me I guess.

We walked for a few minutes and I saw a huge sign that read, "San Diego Zoo"

"Jared! You brought me to a zoo?" I asked, "how much was this?"
"Don't worry about prices we're here to have fun together."

Jared is so sweet oh my god.

We spent 2 hours going around the zoo. I never wanted to leave. It reminded me of when I was younger. It brought back so many memories. But unfortunately, Jared said we needed to leave because there was so much more to do. We have only been to cocos and the zoo, but I was happy with that. But Jared still insisted.

We hit the road again and I was getting sick of the car. But we weren't in there long this time.

What I saw ahead of me was a HUGE ice skating rink.

"What? You think we're going there?"
"We're not?"
"Haha yeah we are."
"Geez Jared way to scare a girl."

We hopped out of the car and I was too excited to step on the ice. Then, I realized something. I don't know how to ice skate! How could I be so stupid.

I know how to roller skate though so it shouldn't be too different. I hope. I'm not going to say anything to Jared though.

We got a pair of skates and put them on. It was hard enough to walk in them. Will I ever be able to skate?

We went to the entrance of the ice rink and I was never so nervous in my life.

I looked at Jared and he was just waiting for me to go on the ice.

"Ok!" I shouted, "I can't skate!"
"I know"
"Look I'm sorry bu-" I stopped, "wait what?"
Jared smiled, "I said I know"
"I asked Selena."
"Then why did you bring me?"
"Maybe I wanted to help you skate. You know. So we could be close?"
"You bastar-"

He cut me off by starting to make out with me. Right in front of a whole bunch of children too. How appropriate.

Jared grabbed my hand and pulled me on the ice and held me close. After about 10 minutes I knew what I was doing but I really loved him holding me so I pretended I couldn't skate the whole time.

Soon it was time to leave because we were getting hungry.

We got in the car yet again and Jared drove us to a meadow. We were having a picnic.

He picked the perfect spot too. It had a beautiful view of the sunset and just wow.

But I was terrified. Last time we had a picnic I almost died. But I put it behind me and we ate our dinner.

After we ate it was nearly dark and I thought we were done for the day.

But I knew I was wrong when I saw we were at the Hollywood sign. I was never here at night and I'm glad he brought me because it looks way better all lit up.

He turned the headlights on of his car and turned his radio up real loud. Of coarse a slow song was playing so we started to slow dance. It was so romantic. It was like a movie.

We danced for a while when Jared said, "Sophie?"
"Yeah?" I said
"Is it ok if I tell you something?"
"Ok I know for sure now.....that I love you."
I was tearing up I felt it.
"I love you too Jared.''
"Glad to hear that."

Then we kissed passionately.

Hey guys this chapter is so cliche I know but I just had to make it. Apologies for not updating for like 2 months. I'm just trying to enjoy summer. But anyways leave me a comment and vote. The more votes I get the faster I update. Bye guys have a great day/night.

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