Hidden Past

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads this. With that being said I'm sorry I don't update too often, I try to update as soon as I can but I have other obligations. Thank you for sticking around though, I hope you enjoy the chapter! It's a bit intense and I will start working on the next ASAP! I have big plans for the next chapter so enjoy!


Law's POV

I woke up in Jade's room, but she was nowhere in sight. It was weird, usually she was waiting for me to wake up. Especially when she wasn't in school. I figured that even though she was mad at me everything would be like normal. I guess I was wrong. I slowly got up off of her bed and stretched my cramped, achy, muscles. Taking my time to stretch I walked out of her room and into the living room only to find that room empty also. I stopped and listened for any sign that she was here, but I heard nothing. I started to panic as I frantically searched every room in the house, every room came up empty. I was starting to get really worried and my imagination was starting to get the better of me.

'It wasn't like her to run off like this, what if something happened to her and the last thing that happened between us was her thinking that I was cheating on her? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to her right now. Ace and Luffy would kill me, we've become so much like a family in the short amount of time that we've all lived together that it's unreal to think that we ever lived separately. Katie and Carrie would torture me for sure, she's their best friend. Hell, I'm surprised that they haven't tortured me already with everything that went on last night. Maybe this is their form of torture, they took her and now they're punishing me. ' I ran my hands through my hair unsure of what to do.

"Maybe she ran away, that's it. I got it, she's still really pissed at me and needs her space. She'll come back eventually right? She has to, all of her stuff is here. She wouldn't just leave all of her stuff behind would she? No, her brother's stuff is really important to her, there's no way she would go anywhere without it." I didn't know what else to do so I started pacing.

It was the most logical thing I could think of at the moment.

"What am I going to do? What am I going to tell the boys?" I panicked as I realized that there is no way they could already know that she was missing.

I stopped pacing only to put my head in my hands and grab fistfulls of my hair. I looked up and smiled as soon as a plan came into mind.

"I know! I'll tell them that she went to the mall!" I smiled to myself before slumping over.

I couldn't think of anything else to tell them, so I knew that one way or another this was going to be one disaster after another.

"This is never going to work." I mumbled looking down at my feet as I walked over to the couch and sat down.

'Where could she have gone? She has to be here somewhere.' I thought as I got up off of the couch and looked out the window to see Ace's car pulling into the driveway followed by Katie's.

"Shit!" I yelled punching the wall as Ace, Luffy, Katie, and Carrie started piling out of the cars.

'What am I going to tell them? I wasn't expecting them to be home so soon.' I started to panic as I walked away from the window and towards my room.

Ace's POV

I noticed Law staring out the window when I got out of the car, I didn't pay much attention to him. I was still pissed about what he did to Jade. We quickly went inside, Law wasn't standing in the window anymore. I could hear him moving things around in his room, well it didn't really sound like he was moving things. It sounded more like he was throwing things around and punching stuff, but I guess it's not really any of my business.

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