Chapter 25

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            Valerie stood to the side of the dancers, sweating and wishing she had a fan. Several of the ladies had beautiful silk fans that they were putting to use. She decided to ask Miette where to get one as soon as she and Lyel were finished dancing.

            Glancing back at the dance floor she sighed with envy. Their skirts swirling elegantly around them, the other ladies and their partners glided across the dance floor like swallows through air.  They made it look effortless. She had only managed four dances before she began to get wobbly.

The current music was for a dance she didn’t know. Watching the precise steps and partner switching, she understood why Darren hadn’t tried to teach it to her. At the thought of the prince, she turned to see if she could see him yet. He’d gone to get them both drinks and left her with Isaac. Erramun had followed after Darren.

But Isaac had been claimed by some of his friends from his classes and was currently demonstrating a hold to a group of excited men some distance away. Valerie sighed again and glanced around the crowd for a familiar face.  

Her eyes were drawn to man in bright green. His hair held her attention. It was orange with white showing through in some patches. Like a half-melted Creamsicle. She glanced around. No one else had red or orange hair. There were a lot of brown and black haired people with a sprinkling of blonds tossed into the mix. But he was the only other redhead.

She smiled and walked over, not waiting for Darren to return. The man looked up from his wine glass in surprise to find her standing in front of him. “My lady,” he said, bowing deeply. “I am honoured.”

She curtsied. “As I am honoured to meet you,” she said as Sora had taught her. Deciding she dancing around wasn’t going to get her anywhere, she continued with “I’m sorry but I’ve got to ask, are you Lord Deepharbour?”

He nodded, eyes wide and brows arched far up over them. “I am Lord Tolsten of Deepharbour. I admit to being most curious, my lady. How did you come to know something of that nature?”

She grinned. “The kids. Your son Rabar is a friend of mine. Has he always been so serious?”

Lord Tolsten’s eyes seemed to be in danger of leaving his head. “I was not aware you two were acquainted.”

Val frowned, her hands falling to her hips. “I told all five of them that I wanted parental permission to keep visiting. And that they had better not be skipping lessons to come. If he hasn’t spoken to you then the others probably haven’t spoken to their parents. I will be having words with them.”

He blinked rapidly then shook his head. “I am certain it is safe with you, my lady.”

She snorted. “It is but I know how parents worry. They’ll want to know who their kids are running around with. I bet Cavyle told them not to tell. He’s their little ringleader. And I’m sure it was Bayon’s idea because none of the others would have be that distrustful of their own parents. Or me.”

Tolsten smiled. “I have met Bayon of Snowpeak before. He is a most…discerning child.”

Valerie smiled. “That’s a nice way to put it. Sorry to come running over here and bothering you. The kids said Rabar and his father were the only redheads at court besides me so I guessed that’s who you were. I thought I had better introduce myself. Of course I thought you already knew that I knew your son…”

The lord smothered a chuckle. “My lady is most forthright.”

“If you think I’m bad, you should visit where I’m from some time. There is very little beating around the bush. I’m afraid I offend some people because I’m used to being, well blunt by your standards I suppose. I hope you won’t hold it against me.”

Now he grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling up. The wide display of teeth was a match for the smile Rabar would flash on rare occasions. “On the contrary, my lady, I find it most refreshing.”

“Then can I ask you a favour? Can you stop calling me my lady? My name’s Valerie and I’ve never been much of a lady.”

He laughed then, shaking his head. “You are one of a kind.”

“That she certainly is,” Darren said as he eased into place beside Valerie. He handed her a crystal flute of some pink bubbly liquor and slid his now free arm around her waist. He bowed his head to Tolsten. “It is always a pleasure Lord Deephrabour.”

Rabar’s father bowed. “Your highness.”

She frowned at Darren. “Move the arm or I remove it.”

“Valerie,” he said, voice holding a trace of warning.

She glared. “You know I don’t like to be manhandled. Especially in public. Now kindly remove the arm.”

He sighed and complied while Tolsten smothered a chuckle. “Now what am I drinking?” she asked once his arm was dangling at his side again. “And how strong is it?”

“It’s Rozante. It’s a berry liquor. And it’s no stronger than wine. I think you’ll like it.”

Val smiled. “Alright. I’m trusting you here. If it’s horrible I will have my revenge. I now know embarrassing stories about you and I know where to get more.”

That was too much for Tolsten. He began laughing. Darren stared at him, mouth gaping open. She shook her head. “You’re going to catch flies like that.”

The prince snapped his mouth shut making her grin. Tolsten continued to chuckle. “I must say, I am much relieved having met you. I think our future will be bright with you in residence. If you will both excuse me, I believe my wife wishes a partner for this dance,” he said and bowed. He walked off into the crowd, still chuckling.

Darren shook his head as he watched the other man walk off. “I’m impressed. How on earth did you get Lord Deepharbour to relax like that?”

“Eh? I didn’t do anything. We were just talking about Rabar and the other kids. Oh and I apologized for being blunt.”

“The kids? Ah! The Deepharbour boy did come find me when you…when you went to visit my godmother last. There are others?”

“Yeah. Five of them have adopted me. I teach them silly things like how to cartwheel or juggle. And sometimes I tell them stories.”

He grinned. “You really are one of a kind. Now come on, let’s go mingle.”

She made a face. “This is revenge for making you let go of me isn’t it?”

His grin got even wider. “But of course.”

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