Chapter 14

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            “What did you do?” Darren cried, face contorted into a mask of horror.

            Valerie glared at him. “She insulted me. You know how I feel about that. So I shared my unhappiness with her.”

            Isaac’s grin was still there and still wicked. “Watching Val tear someone apart has to be my favourite hobby. It’s just so…freeing.”

            “You didn’t! Please tell me you didn’t!” Darren was looking sicker by the minute.

            “Your godmother is psychotic and I’m not going to put up with her. I don’t care if she turns me into a newt, I’m not apologizing. She reminds me of you, when we first met. So certain that everything’s just going to go the way she wants. It’s time she learned life doesn’t work like that.”

            Erramun was looking like someone had stabbed him with a pin while Darren’s face had lost all colour. “You don’t understand. She’s my fairy godmother. One of the Fae. She could destroy the whole kingdom if she wanted.”

            “If she and the others, I assume there’s more than one fairy godmother running about, haven’t done that by now then it’s clear they aren’t going to. I’m sure they get something out of interfering with your lives or why would they bother. So calm down. And if she’s really petty enough to take her anger on me out on others than won’t the other godmothers have something to say about it? You said they took down the crazy one a couple of hundred years ago.”

            “Look, let’s just go. I don’t want to keep talking about this here,” Darren said, eyes sliding to the closed door.

            Valerie shrugged. “Fine. We can go to my room if you want.”

            After walking quickly through several pink halls, Darren kept looking over his shoulder like he expected pursuit, they reached Val’s room. Sora, who had been hanging Val’s clothes, jump to her feet to curtsy, almost falling in her hurry. Valerie sighed and steadied Sora. “Relax. We’re only having a chat.”

            Sora bobbed her head and said, “I’m sorry my lady. I didn’t know you would be coming. Shall I fetch refreshments my lady?”

            Rolling her eyes, she replied, “No it’s fine. And my name is Valerie, not my lady. We’ve talked about this.”

            “Yes my lady,” Sora said curtsying again.

            Val sighed. “Look we’re going to be talking for a bit, why don’t you join us?”

            “My lady I couldn’t!”

            “I would like to ask you to stay as well,” Darren said, settling himself into one of the chairs. “It would hardly be appropriate otherwise.”

            Valerie frowned. “What do you mean not appropriate?”

            “We’re not married, let alone engaged. To be alone with a man, any man, who you’re not married to would cause people to question your virtue.”

            She laughed. “Oh well that’s not problem. I lost my, ‘virtue’ as you put it, a long time ago.”

            Darren choked. “What?”

            Isaac chuckled. “It’s cute how surprised he is. Especially after living in that town of yours for a year. How many girls got pregnant while you were in high school?”

            Val snorted. “Five. And one was pregnant when I graduated elementary school. The term “white trash” was coined to describe my town I’m sure.”



            Darren was still staring at her, his mouth open slightly. “Y-you...”

            “Oh come on. It’s not like you still have your V-Card,” she said, rolling her eyes.

            “No, but-”

            “Then I don’t see what the problem is.”

            “But…to have done that before marriage is...”

            That made her laugh. “It happens here all the time I’m sure.”

            “I’ve never heard of anyone doing that before!”

            “Really? Cause I’m almost certain Miette and Lyel have been, well ‘friendly’ I guess is the best way to avoid burning your delicate ears.”

            He stared at her. “How can you know that?”

            “Because it’s easy to know who’s taken it to that level of closeness. It affects the way two people act around one another,” Isaac said, leaning back in his chair. “Like I can tell that you and Val haven’t done much of anything. You’re still awkward around one another. It’s so stupid it’s adorable.”

            “I didn’t want to give him false hope when I don’t know what I’m going to do yet,” she said, shrugging.

            Isaac pouted. “That’s not fair. I want to live vicariously through you. And by that I mean I intend to grill you for details on his performance. I bet he’s good.”

            The spectacular red colour Darren had turned was eclipsed only by the scarlet of Erramun’s face and neck. It appeared as if his whole body was blushing. Isaac noticed and grinned. “How far down does the red go?”

            A choking noise drew Valerie’s attention to Sora who was pale and staring. She winced. She’d forgotten the maid was there. “Sorry. If it bothers you, you can leave. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

            “My lady, you-you are-you are the most interesting lady I’ve ever served,” she gasped finally giving in to laughter.

            Now it was Val’s turn to stare. Several heartbeats passed then she grinned. “Thank god. I was beginning to think you had no personality let alone a sense of humour. We’ll have way more fun this way.”

            “Oh my lady. You have no idea.”

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