Chapter 18

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            “Does it meet my lady’s expectations?” Ainea asked, hovering at Valerie’s shoulder.

            She ignored the my lady comment, instead staring at the dress that stood almost glowing in the sunlight that poured in through the windows of her room. Val shook her head after a moment’s contemplation and said, “It’s red.”

            “Yes my lady.”

            “My hair is naturally this colour. Red is one of the most difficult colours to pull off when your hair is this colour. Did you know that?”

            “Yes my lady.”

            “Can I ask why you chose red?”

            “Lady Lacclair suggested the colour. She said it would give the right impression.”

            Behind them, Darren turned the choking sound he made into a cough. He’d be talking to Miette privately just as soon as he found her. Valerie glanced and him then shrugged. “Miette eh?” She considered her new friend. She’d never seen the woman look anything but impeccable. If the way some of the other ladies looked with envy at her was any indication, Miette was quite fashionable. “Well alright then.”

            Val studied the dress again. The light slid over the deep red cloth, making it look less like fabric and more like liquid. Sheer sleeves hang down to the bust line but were tied up at the wrists with embroidered bands. The bodice, tight to just above the hips, had matching embroidery. Copper coloured vines twined up and around before fanning out just under the bust. From the hips, the skirt flared out, dropping into a sleek ankle-length skirt. It was beautiful. But she still felt she had to say, “Can I move in it?”

            “Yes my lady. The skirt is loose and shouldn’t interfere with you. But we weren’t certain how you move when…when you must, so we added a high side split. If you notice on the right side, one thread of the embroidery pops out? If you pull that thread the split will unravel, allowing you to move. We also took the liberty of adding a hidden slit on the left side should my lady make use of any thigh sheaths.”

            She shook her head again. “I am impressed. This is far beyond what I expected. You are amazing!”

            Ainea smiled, the first such expression Valerie had seen on the dressmaker’s face. “Thank you my lady. You are too kind.”

            “Are you kidding me? If anything I’m not being thankful enough! You guys are great. Could you make another one in a different colour?”

            “Lady Lacclair said something similar. We’ve begun something of a heavier material in green. This gown we were paid to finish as quickly as possible. The other will take a few weeks my lady.”

            Valerie grinned. “No problem. I don’t wear dresses often. Though I have to say I’m excited to wear this one. I really don’t know how you managed to make something so beautiful so quickly.”

            Ainea’s cheeks were pink with pleasure. “Thank you my lady. If you have any difficulties with this gown, please let us know. We can make adjustments on it as well as the one we are working on currently.”

            “I can’t imagine changing a thing. I really can’t thank you enough! This is way better than the dresses I’ve seen some of the girls here try and walk in.”

            The door opened before the dressmaker had a chance to reply and Miette glided over to the two women, lovely as ever in periwinkle blue dress. “Ah. I see your gown is finished. That is good.”

            “Thanks Miette! You’ve been great. Though I do have to ask, why red?”

            She smiled at Valerie. “The ruby colour suits you.”

            Over Val’s shoulder, Darren was glaring and frantically making shushing gestures at Miette. The lady lowered her lids slightly but continued talking. “I am glad the embroidery fits as well as it does. I was worried the colour would not suit.”

            “You planned the vines as well?”

            “To match your sword. I believe you intend to wear both at the same time, do you not?”

            Valerie sighed. “Miette, where were you when I was thirteen year old tomboy?”

            “I believe I was still drinking milk from a bowl.”

            She froze and stared at Miette, whose smile gave nothing away. “How do you do that?”

            The smile grew but remained as enigmatic as before.

            “While I’m happy that my lady likes her gown, I believe it is almost time for lunch and you still haven’t bathed since your riding lesson,” Sora said, moving to stand beside Valerie.

            “So you’re saying I smell like a horse?”

            “Not in those words, my lady.”

            Darren left Valerie to Sora’s care. He moved forward, snagged Miette’s arm before she could protest and pulled her into the hall. “You’re not to tell her.”

            The lady looked up at him, blue eyes shuttered against him. “She will find out. You cannot keep it from her for long.”

            “She had to kill again yesterday. I’m not bringing it up now.”

            Miette bowed her head slightly. “You had best hurry. If you do not tell her, someone ill-meaning will.”

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