Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction. All original characters are my own invention and any similarity to actual persons living or dead is coincidental. Where actual historical figures are mentioned any dialogue or actions attributed to them is to be similarly viewed, unless the incident concerned is a matter of historical record. 

A.N. Orpo - Ordnungpolizei - German uniformed civilian police augmented during the war by the Schutzstaffel - SS. 

Johann got back into the BMW 327 and waved goodbye to Greta, driving the short distance into Erfurt.  He parked a short distance from his home wanting to surprise Marta who, as he had told Greta, didn't even know he was home yet.  It was late evening by this time and - he noted with curiosity - dark with all the street lighting off since that fateful day some idiot in a Heinkel had dropped his bombs on London inviting retaliation.  A wry chuckle passed his lips since he knew that the British were lagging behind Germany in their bombing accuracy and only about a third of their bombs were hitting within five miles of the intended target; on that basis the British retaliation of bombing Berlin had been to a large extent blind luck.  Nevertheless, everywhere that had any kind of industrial output had been ordered to operate a blackout, and everywhere else through basic common sense had decided to copy them, not wanting to become a target themselves.

'Halte!'  The shout from behind brought him to a stop and he turned to the speaker; an Orpo Rottermeister ran up, slowing rapidly as he saw Johann's uniform and rank.  'Ich entschuldige mich Herr Major!'

Johann waved away the apology 'Ach, you're doing your job Rottermeis..'

A new voice broke in, harsh, shouting 'Was ist Bruner?'

Johann saw the ghost of a scowl pass over the Orpo's face and he shouted back 'Eine Luftwaffe Major, Herr Untersturmfuhrer!'

Luckily turning away from Johann whose face darkened hearing the Schutzstaffel rank; he had heard from Marta about the SS and was no fan of them or their tactics.  A young police lieutenant appeared out of the gloom and looked him up and down before asking 'Was machst du?'

Johann drew himself up to his full height and glared at him, replying to the peremptory query with an acid tone.  'Perhaps I have been away fighting for the Fatherland too long.  The last I knew, Majors outranked Lieutenants and were due at least a 'sir', and some courtesy!  Secondly as you can see I am an officer home on leave.. leave which you are interrupting with your imbecile questions!'

The younger SS officer blanched - he had been taught the SS had absolute power and it hadn't even entered his mind that he owed others respect outside the SS; he coughed 'I'm sorry Herr Major.. of course..' he nodded at the Orpo and turned away stalking back to the main body of the patrol he was commanding. The Orpo glanced at Johann, and he could have sworn a smile creased his lips as he saluted and left to rejoin the patrol, where the hapless Untersturmfuhrer was trying to re-establish his authority; and from what Johann could hear, not doing a very good job of it.

He smirked and walked down the street coming to a halt at his house, but in a mischievous mood rapped on the door and called 'Sie zeigen ein Licht!' knowing Marta was doing no such thing, and an accusation she was breaking the blackout would bring her charging to the door.

Sure enough in less than a minute he heard a bustling inside the house and the door being unlocked and flung open; the trim blonde figure he knew so well, and loved with all his heart bursting into a furious denial.  'Das tue ich nicht so etw..' and then her eyes grew wide in recognition 'Johann du Schwein!  Ich dachte, es sei die..' She stopped and wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered 'Never mind who I thought it was.. come in my love.. what a wonderful surprise!'

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