Chap. 38: Fanventure

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Samder Oliver sent you a text 5 minutes ago!

Yo dude. Dude. Just finished coloring Emma's latest add-on to our fan adventure. Read it!

He opened the pictures attached to the text and was met by decent anime-like comic drawings that had not-bad flat coloring. It wasn't like he was interested on the story or anything—hell, his friends made him a Maid at first—but because he started it that his pride wouldn't take the fact that he wasn't able to finish it.

When Aaron White starts something, then by hook or by crook, he was going to finish it, even if it meant threatening the makers as motivation for them to keep at it. Maybe that was the reason why he didn't get into too many things, because most often than not, some stuff just never finish.

Emma's fan adventure was something else though. She actually updates it regularly, around three or five pages every week, and Oliver colors it in, as the only one actually adept in coloring in their gang. Lucy was more of a lyricist/writer type of artist, so she helps with the dialogue while Kat and Yvette cleans up the plot.

Meanwhile Aaron... well, he basically made up the one hundred percent of proof-reading and actual readers. Why the other girls couldn't read the story in Emma's comic format, he'd never know.

So, he tried to remember what the hell was last week's story, as well as the other weeks. But his mind got the better of him and he ended up summarizing the entirety of the finished plot.

The story revolved around the world of the popular trash comic Homestuck, and was set to begin with three friends about to play a game of the tenth of April, the release of a popularly anticipated game beta. The first three characters were Oliver's, Kat's, and Lucy's OCs. A Knight of Heart, a Seer of Void, and a Rogue of Hope, correspondingly. By the mechanics of the game, Emma set out to make it that from the very beginning, their session was doomed to failure, thus, no Time nor Space players, because that wasn't their ultimate purpose, she said.

So they play the game, end up facing puberty's many challenges of emotional struggles and the hardships of growing up by themselves since any adult figures in their lives dies before they enter the Medium. If that wasn't enough drama, Lucy and Kat went ahead and made their characters a trans girl and a trans boy, respectively, and made it that when they go God Tier, they're reborn into their preferred bodies. That, and they get super powers and immortality. Must never forget about the super powers and immortality, thought Aaron. More drama they thought to add later on was to make the Knight gay and the Seer and Rogue only femininely interested, thus, none of the three could be romantically inclined to each other.

Then the Seer found out that their session was doomed to failure and convinced his friends to make a course through the Furthest Ring and find somewhere else, somewhere better. He had the Rogue hide their planets and their Prospit into the Void where only he could see, and made a course through the place that held littlest importance. There, they met another session of three.

That was where their version of Hivebent began. Emma's, Aaron's, and Yvette's characters were introduced; a jade-blooded Prince of Life, a sea dweller Maid of Blood, and a rust-blooded Thief of Time. They have been playing in their session long before the Knight's party arrive, and have faced many of their own dramas as well. And when it came to troll drama, one had to be met by their culture that was the same as theirs, only much bloodier and more... gray.

The romance suit concept was easy to understand enough, but Aaron still gets some satisfaction at seeing the rest of his gang writhing in annoyance whenever they'd see him tuning them out half-way through their own versions of the same explanation, so he never told them he understood the concept the first time around. Maybe Oliver knew deep down, but Aaron wasn't sure himself.

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