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The night was getting colder as the hour passes, the light from the houses began to dim making the night darker. Looking out into the darkness, she stepped outside with only her thin sleep attire.

The cold wind hit her skin and made her shiver. The coldness made her fall to the ground but determined to get it done with tonight, she pushed herself up and walked towards the park.

The street light wasn't much of a help but using her senses and seeing the familiarity in the route she's walking in, she was sure she's in the right direction.

It didn't took her long before she reached the park. Being in an open field, the strong winds easily sent goosebumps throughout her body.

Taking slow steps, she walked towards the bridge. With the dim moonlight, she climbed up the railing and sat on it with her feet towards the calm flowing water of the river.

"Maybe this won't be such a bad of an idea after all."

Persuade ― Kim JongdaeWhere stories live. Discover now