Chapter 6

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Pewds’ P.O.V

“Cry, climb on.”


“Do it.”

“I am not doing that, Pewds.”

“Come on!”


“Why not?”

“I’ll make a fool of myself!”

“Hey! I do this all the time.”


I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to ignore his insult. He looked odd with the bright flashing lights shining over him but I liked it. I liked seeing him here, at the club. I’m surprised I even managed to convince him to come back.

“Can I go home now?” he asked, yelling over the music. His hands were hidden inside the pockets of his new trousers and he glanced around nervously, clearly feeling out of place.

“Nope,” I smirked and grabbed his arm. “If you’re afraid of making a fool of yourself, then I may have an idea.”

He frowned at me as I led him up the small staircase and into the office. I left him in the doorway and rooted through the desk draws until I found what I was looking for. Smiling to myself, I lifted my hand and showed him the simple white mask. His eyes flashed across the thin plastic, taking in the two small holes for your eyes and the elastic tied to each side.

“We had a bit of a fancy dress night a few weeks ago,” I explained and made my way over to him. It was just a simple costume mask but if he didn’t want anyone to know who he was then it would do the trick.

I lifted my hands, pressing the cool plastic against his face, seeing his eyes shine through the holes and a little of his lips were visible through the small space where the mouth was. I pulled the elastic around his head, feeling it disappear under his hair and smiled to myself.


“What is this?” he asked but I wasn’t too sure whether he meant the mask or something else.

“It’s called excitement,” I joked and pulled him back down to the heart of the club. The music drowned us again, the lights dancing around, lighting up the large crowd of people on the dance floor. It seemed we were having a good night tonight.

I headed straight for the bar, feeling Cry reluctantly follow.  

“Get on,” I ordered but he didn’t move. I guess I’ll have to force him on.  

“Pewds!” he yelled but I was already jumping up onto the bar, yanking him up with me. He grabbed onto me, holding himself up as he nearly toppled right off. A small chuckled escaped my lips and he glared up at me.  

A crowd was already dancing there way over to us, yelling loudly at the promise of free alcohol for the next few minutes. I turned to Ken and he threw me two large liquor bottles. He seemed to be trying out a new thing with his looked a little odd but at least he’d ditched the purple trousers.

I flashed a smile at the bouncing swarm below me, seeing the gleam in their eyes and knowing this is why I fucking loved my job.

“Do you guys know what time it is?!” I yelled at them, only to get mangled screams in response.

I felt like a rock star.

“Crouch down,” I murmured to Cry who stood nervously beside me. He quickly shook his head and I rolled my eyes, popping one bottle under my arm and pushing him down. He looked up at me but before he could move, I shifted the mask up a little, tipping one of the bottles so the strong liquid fell into his mouth.

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