11: Work It

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Be Karkat Vantas, working on your computer :

Dave left just as early as he said he would. I, on the other hand, got to sleep in a little.

I typed away on the keyboard, finishing some of the papers Kanaya ordered me to do.
Just then, Sollux walked over to my cubicle.

"Uh.. Can II talk two you?" He looked side to side, getting fidgety.

"Yeah sure." I closed the file on the computer. "What is it?"

"Um... II need to talk to you priivately.. Go to the break room." He quickly fled.

Filled with curiosity, I stood to follow him,
When I got there, he was pacing back and forth, biting his fingernail.

"Sollux, what's up with you? You're acting like Feferi on her eighth cup of coffee on Thursdays."

"There2 2omethiing wrong with AA."

"What do you mean?"

"I-II have no clue!" He threw his hands up. "Everythiing'2 been great at home together, but 2omethiing'2 up! II triied a2kiing her iif 2omethiing ii2 wrong but 2he iin2ii2t2 that everythiing ii2 Fiine!"

"Maybe she's just releasing her stress? Weddings, getting a new house and a very busy work schedule can put a load on you, Y'know?"

"Yeah, but iit'2 not that!" He groaned in frustration, kicking a small trash bin.

"Hey, no need to abuse trash. I'm sure this will all blow over soon.. Maybe she's having some sort of human period thing? I know trolls don't get that, but she could be going through something like that? Maybe stomach pain from the wedding food? You guys are eating the left overs, right?"

"Eh, sorta.. II... Well, II made u2 diinner la2t niight. Only after a few biite2, 2he ran to the bathroom... Actually.. II've been making diinner for the last few niight2.. 2he ha2n't been feeliing up two cookiing her2elf 2ome  food."

"Oh my god, you probably undercooked something."

"Well II'm not a good cook, 2o that could probably be iit.."

"See!" I patted his back, calming him down. "She's just sick of eating your bullshit! She'll feel better in no time!"

"Wow, II don't know iif II 2hould feel offended, or happy that iit2 ju2t that iin2tead of 2omething 2eriiou2."

"Both." I smirked, walking out of the room. "Wait, where is she anyways? I haven't seen her all day."

"2he took the day off. 2he'2 been pukiing. II feel 2o bad for gettiing her 2iick now."

"Ah, don't be!" I smiled, "She knows you didn't mean to."

"II gue22 you're riight."

"Hey!" Vriska stomped over to us. "If you two ladies are done having a 8reak, then get 8ack to work!!!!!!!!"

"Jeez, who crapped in your breakfast?" I shook my head, walking past her. "Oh, and by the way Vriska, THAT SKIRT MAKES YOUR ASS LOOK BAD!"

"Ooooooh! Burn!" Sollux laughed, giving me a high five as we walked back.
We heard Vriska cursing us out in the background as we shut the door.

Be the complaining  Strider known as Dave:

"You gotta be fucking kidding me.." I dropped my suitcase when I saw the files of paper stacking up on the desk.
"Why do I have to do it all by myself?! Can't you get like.. Jade to do it?!"

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